Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I stll have hope for my 52oz (NEW) still not working. After 6hrs it still in the same place. Finally got the coil to the bottom. Let it cool and ran it for another 6hrs. Nothing! The oil was cloudy when I took it out of the box, does this mean anything?

anyone have a clue?????

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Take it back and get a refund. If you can't do that, trash it and get a USA made lamp off of eBay or Craigslist.
Kris said it perfectly, get your $ back and get an american lamp. I'm currently selling all of mine, if your looking for anything in particular just let me know.
in a previous reply I don't need photos, If you will give me an idea of what you have.
Thanks Kris..
If not to complicated how would you do this?
Do you have a good recipe
Thanks for pointing to this fix. Sounds as if you have a lot of experience with Lavas. I will give this a shot and thanks a million!
It was supposed to be clear with yellow wax. Out of the box it was very cloudy and the wax never moved. It resembles all the photos I have seen on "TO HOT". Is this possible with a new lamp?
Hello, take out the 40 watt bulb and use a 60 watt bulb to get it going. Run for short run times so you don't burn it out \(the wax will turn on you) .Once you get it going a few times put the 40 back in it.
I am sorry, Matt, it took me so long getting back with you. It looks as if I have nothing to loose I will get a 60W bulb and try it. As I understand, I should just get the wax going and shut it down? do this a couple of times and then go back to the 40W. Is that right?

Thanks for this advice.

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