I purchased this Fantasia lamp from the online goodwill auctions. I thought it was a Centurion. To my surprise, it was a Sunburst. Upon receiving the box, I was excited and opened it. I saw some stray fibers here and there and thought ok, it happens. However after removing the lamp from the box, I saw chunks of the spray in the box and knew at that point, it was not good. I did not know this as I removed the lamp so lots of wonderful glass pieces wound up all over the floor. Took me a good hour to clean it up. In the box were the remains of the spray. A beautiful Sunburst spray trashed because of poor packing. The lamp was thrown in the box, literally - and some bubble wrap stuffed in for good measure. The spray was in a plastic grocery bag and was under the lamp.
Suffice to say, I was really pissed. Mainly for the fact that nobody took the time to pack this correctly and they destroyed something that can not be replaced. I sent off an email to them letting them know the issue and told them that I would be doing a charge back for the payment unless I hear otherwise. I don't appreciate something like this. It takes 5-10 minutes to pack something like this up - PROPERLY. So, I now have a lamp that is pretty much useless.
I have another lamp coming in from eBay. If god exists, god help them if they do a shit job.