Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


Goodwill Shipping Damage 01

Goodwill Shipping Damage 02

Goodwill Shipping Damage 03

Goodwill Shipping Damage 04

I purchased this Fantasia lamp from the online goodwill auctions. I thought it was a Centurion. To my surprise, it was a Sunburst. Upon receiving the box, I was excited and opened it. I saw some stray fibers here and there and thought ok, it happens. However after removing the lamp from the box, I saw chunks of the spray in the box and knew at that point, it was not good. I did not know this as I removed the lamp so lots of wonderful glass pieces wound up all over the floor. Took me a good hour to clean it up. In the box were the remains of the spray. A beautiful Sunburst spray trashed because of poor packing. The lamp was thrown in the box, literally - and some bubble wrap stuffed in for good measure. The spray was in a plastic grocery bag and was under the lamp.

Suffice to say, I was really pissed. Mainly for the fact that nobody took the time to pack this correctly and they destroyed something that can not be replaced. I sent off an email to them letting them know the issue and told them that I would be doing a charge back for the payment unless I hear otherwise. I don't appreciate something like this. It takes 5-10 minutes to pack something like this up - PROPERLY. So, I now have a lamp that is pretty much useless.

I have another lamp coming in from eBay. If god exists, god help them if they do a shit job.

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This was shopgoodwill.com auction. Nothing with ebay. The spray is trashed, but the lamp itself is in perfect condition. I am at the point where I may just keep it. I got it for $40 dollars not including shipping. The lamp is really nice and I know it will be damaged when it gets shipped back and if I do bid/buy it AGAIN, it will be shipped, yet again. That's a crap load of shipping for one item and odds are, the lamp itself will be damaged and wasted.

I might sell some lavas on here to offset the cost instead. I just really hate for the lamp to go through all that. I know this might sound crazy to people here, but these things are one of a kind and it's my passion. Just like lava is a passion for many here :)
Is there any way to reinsert the fiberglass strands? Maybe salvage the spray?
Sadly no.
Yeah, I think I am going to keep it. It's not like I am out any money and I initially thought this lamp was a smaller model. These things while they may be appearing on ebay every so often, are hard to find in good condition. This lamp is in really pristine condition.

Problem with taking the spray out of the box, is it has tons of small glass pieces all over. It would be a PITA to attempt. Not to mention a hazard to myself and my animals. Not being dramatic here or anything but it's the truth. If you get one of these in your hands or feet, good luck trying to find it and getting it out.

I guess this is one of those - live and learn things. All fair and well.
Not sure, but it looks complex. I am sure it's not, but doing what you said would result in a spray that would shed all over and would not last long.

I am actually working with a company since a week ago about making some sprays for the Fantasias. I will see how that goes.
Hope you DO get some new sprays made... but I'm going to contact a guy I've spoken with in the past who worked at Fantasia (he designed the Glitter Graphics lamps) as he had some sort of contact info for the 90s Fantasia, and they had a bunch of old parts. I think they're closed now, but he might have a lead for all I know.

The glass fibres break if you step on them, and turn into very painful splinters. And they're glass... meaning INVISIBLE splinters! I've been through that.
Yeah, problem is demand though Jonas. I got some "estimates" on pricing and it's up there. Not sure how much further it will come down only time will tell. Still don't have all the info yet.

Funny, I met a guy that was there when Fantasia Products was started and was there when it was sold to Vicon. He is full of info. Can't believe I met him actually (only via email though).

Yeah, no glass splinters here. Only a few times and I am not going through that again.
Man I would have cried...

So sorry for the loss of this beatiful lamp (fibres).
Things are looking good here..

I am keeping the lamp (if that's not clear, lol). Better yet, I might actually be able to order replacement sprays! WOOTNESS! I will be selling them as well. Hopefully. We shall see.
Keep us informed, I love anything that lights up & changes colors.
Kris, does the guy you met via email have the initials G. S.?
No sir.

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