Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Ok.. here is what I have for sale. I am not leaving, I am just thinning out. What good is a lava lamp if it's stuck in storage? So, I am spreading the GOO (and raising money for my other addiction:) )! If you have wanted to own a USA made, quality lamp - now is the time.

Make a reasonable offer. Cash only (PayPal). The only trades I would be open to are a Clear/Blue and/or Clear/Red Midnight Century. That's it. If you have any questions, ask. If none sell, they will go on eBay.


Clear/Lime (liquid has blue tint) - 52oz
Clear/Yellow - 52oz - Tube - Blue base/cap

USA Boxed- $45 + Shipping

#13 Clear/Blue - Boxed - New
#10 Clear/Red - Boxed - New - Come in Elek-Trik Box
#12 Clear/Green - Boxed - New - Come in Elek-Trik Box
#14 Clear/Pink - Boxed - New - Come in Elek-Trik Box - SOLD!
#24 Blue/Yellow - Boxed - Silver Streak - Recapped (old cap rusted/leaky, has silver cap now)
#22 Blue/Purple - Custom 2 Boxes

#08 Clear/Yellow - With 24k Gold Flake - Does not flow. Liquid bad. Comes with box.

The Elek-Trik Box lamps are new. I never ran them so they are untested. They are all clear so there should be no reason for issues. Just being up front.

USA Bottles- $35 + Shipping

#24 Blue/Yellow - Silver Streak Base
#05 Orange/White
#05 Orange/White
#13 Clear/Blue
#18 Clear/Cranberry - Crystal Clear
#18 Clear/Cranberry - Has slight color tint to liquid but flows really nice
#20 Violet/White

All lamps have midnight bases. All are USA made. All bottles/bases are used so expect some wear. Most all of my bases are fine. Some might have a nick or ding. One or two caps have splits but are still whole. Other than that, no issues. All flowed when they were packed up.

I have a 52oz USA Pink/White bottle. I love the color combo. It is brand new and has never been run. This is a favorite and I don't know why. If you want it, you are going to have to make me an offer I CAN NOT REFUSE!

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Don't be shy guys. Throw out some offers!
$350 gets the entire lot (does not include the mathmos lamps) + shipping.

More than likely they will end up on eBay.
Blue/White...?? I don't recall having seen such a combination in mathmos lamps. What about you guys?
Atrobaby is correct. It was custom made from a group order. Rare to have in the USA.
How much you want for the clear blue #13 and the mathmos clear blue.
can u send me the link for it?
#13 bottle or boxed? The Mathmos clear/blue I will take $60. As for the #13 bottle or boxed, make me an offer.
Link for what?
Do you still have the #18 Clear/Cranberry - Crystal Clear? Just noticed last night that mine was sweating in the bottle and found the cap 'loose'... it twists around but isn't bent or coming off... probably from picking it up from the cap? lmk...
What about investing in a press capper. When I purchased mine it was under $20
Great tool to have !!

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