most of them don't get used and just there. time to end the addiction...Most are Mathmos lamps with UK wiring. If you are looking for anything, let me know and I'll see if I have it
I'm keeping some still, but have have way too many that will never get used
Hey buddy! I'd sure like to see some photo's of your telstars. Would so much love to own an older version. What are you gonna be asking for one or 2 of them? Chris
What I'm really after, would be either:
A silver Jet, almost any lava colors...
Silver or copper Mini Astro (older style without plastic feet) depending on lava color
Rocket, any color
One of the above, OR... Glitterbaby or Mathmos lava spare bottles I can use to refill old lamps, especially green/blue, orange/yellow or clear glitter.
Sadly, can't afford anything now - in Feb. probably. Anything matching any of these?
no silver jet, some other jets though
lots of astro mini's, some i think are custom liquid coloring courtesy of Flooksta and possibly mr lava lamp(?)
last rocket is on ebay at the moment, i only had 2
i do have some spare bottles, unused
Do you have any that are Mathmos quality but with US wiring? Does that exist? I heard Century and Aristocrat were good but I think they have been discontinued here, right? Have you been plugging your Mathmos lamps in here using an adapter? I am looking for a purple/red or purple/red/yellow for my son for Christmas but I don't want the LavaLites because too many bad reviews on those. Thanks.
Hm that is tempting. Yesterday I decided he needs orange in his room. Do you have any with that color by any chance? I am afraid the telstars might be too tall looking for his space.