Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Ok, if you've seen the lamp base Mandy has made me for my husband you'll know why I'm looking for just the right globe for it! I've been searching online, but I'm just not sure what it is called that I'm looking for. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Is there are 32 oz (or will fit 32 oz) globe that is clear and has a metallic looking silver lava? Am I wrong or do these actually exist? I could have sworn I have seen something along those lines. I've checked every online store and ebay auction I can find, but nothing.....I thought maybe it was something someone here made with a lava louie kit, but I can't find that info on their page either. I've got a clear/purple I can run in it in the meantime, but I think it needs something super special!!! I'd be willing to buy one if someone has one, or knows where I can get one. I'm a bit obsessed with this as you can tell, lol!!

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I don't think that Lava Light ever released a metallic globe here in the US. If you want to try to do your own, I would suggest buying an off-brand metallic (Hastings books has them, and other places probably do also) You would have to buy more than one to get enough lava and fluid. Then transfer the contents to an empty, clean 32 oz lavalight globe (with a coil) and then recap it. You can find info on recapping in other discussions. Be aware that the wax from metallics tend to stick to the inside of the globe. Hope this helps.

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