Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Tax return time Baby!! Looking to add a couple more rare/ interesting pieces to our collection!

I'd consider most anything, but my wish list is any of the swirl based ones, some of the icon series, any of the animal print bases, etc.  Let me know what you have, and we'll make a deal from there!  I need to get myself some more interesting ones, ebay is a good place to shop, but with two kids and a full life I don't have time to stalk every single lamp on there!  There are a lot of really cool people on here that I know would like to give a new home to a couple cool lamps!!  Just send me a message please!!  Or reply to this post!

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cindy we have purple/green/blue swirl lamps for sale...how did hubby like the french horn jack......i know she worked a long time on it........it may have been the last lamp she paints for awhile:(..phil
We would definately be interested in the swirls, those are something we've been looking for! He absolutely loved the lamp, had to invite everyone we know to the house to look at it!! Now I feel a little bad that she's taking a break, hopefuly all her other fans won't come after me!! That is one of the most beautiful bases I have ever seen! Let me know how much you are looking to get for the swirls....seperately and for all three, I'll have to discuss with him how many I can get, but he likes those so he'll probably want to get all of them, lol.....
I may have a red swirl for you. :)
that would be awesome too! I'd love to have all the swirls! let me know for sure : )

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