Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

see attached files,. asking $150 for the green glitterball astrobaby and $100 for the pink glitter crestworth telstar with flared base (wiring needs to fixed so it's bt a fire hazard but lamp works perfectly). i'm located in the US but will ship to anywhere

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I've sent you a pm message. = - )
no but i haven't had time to look
On ebay for $120...item 370338466531
Did you sell the glitterball already?
I'll take the Green glitterball if it's still avialable...how much is shipping o 80301?
green glitterball has sold. 370338466531 is my crestworth glitter, someone on here wants it but i haven't heard from them lately
i have a blue astrobaby glitterball, if anyone is interested. i think i have another green one as well, still haven't found a spare silver one, but will look hard this weekend for it. if anyone is interested in these let me know by posting here
also have these jets for sale
I'm interested, can you send some pics?

here are 2 more. an astro, blue/green and a astrobaby, base has some scratches. clear/red? lava looks gray when not running, but looks a reddish color when running
also have a pink/white astrobaby or telstar, i forget which right now.

feel free to make offer via PM. i would really like to move these soon.

remember, i live in the US
anyone? need to move these

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