Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all,
I am new to the lava lamp scene and to be quite honest my interest was borne form an offhand comment from my wife.
You see, I am a musician (bassist, specifically) and I got into the
habit of keeping a mascot of sorts on my amp whenever I played live.
For the last couple of years it has been a Dancing Hula Girl as I
slapped away in a Rockabilly band.
Recently I changed projects and am now playing acoustic Hot Tuna, so
one late night (after much drinking and Wii bowling) a discussion
ensued as to what I should place on my amp instead of my trusty Hula
Girl. Of course,mushrooms, Tie Die Hippie bears and other psychedelia
were thrown out for consideration. Suddenly, my wife blurted out "How
about a small Lava Lamp."
Eureka, that was it!!!!!
I ordered a 10" accent lamp online (Lava-Lite) and of course it has been nothing but trouble since I have got it.
I found this community after doing a web search to see if I can fix this lamp.
In the meantime I am hooked on these things and am considering getting two Mathmos lamps shipped here for my living room.

Peace out,

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Heya Carlos, nice to meet you! :) Lava Lamps are a sick obsession, look out...

What is wrong with your lamp? Can you post a photo??? You might want to consider a glitter lamp for your gigs. I have a feeling that would be a lot less hassel. Lavas can be very touchy things.
Thanks for the Hello,

The problem with the lamp is that it is a typical Lava Lite Chinese POS. It is very cloudy and the wax wont hold to the coil. Funny thing is that, last night I borrowed another Chinese knockoff from my sister last night. It is clear and flows well.
I figure for the price I paid for the Lava Lite I might as well crack it open replace the coil & filter the fluid in it. I am a home brewer so I have the tools to do both already.
I will post pictures and a description as to how things went in the problems section later.
I just want to thank you all for the info that you have available here as I have had this lamp only a few weeks and I think I will get it running well enough to use for the gigs.
The Mathmos ones will stay home where they belong when I get them!

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