Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello i am now in the market for one of thos Fantasia Fiber Optic lamps but want to be sure I buy the correct one and not a cheapo.

I understand some of these have diffrent names and differ in quality.

Some also have cheapo replacement aftermarket fiber sprays.


I am looking for an all original and want to consult with the experts found here on this site.

I know that there are members here that know what I need to look for when Purchasing a Fantasia Sunburst lamp.

Please feel free to talk about what to look for and what to stay away from.


If anyone wants to sell one at a reasonable price please feel free to make an offer.

Thank You


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Hi Kris did you ever get the Fantasia Sprays Yet?or are you still waiting for 30 people to buy them before you can buy them? and will the spray fit a FireFly Fantasia?
I am still waiting to see how things turn out on the sprays. Sold 5 so far. Which is rather nice. They will not fit a firefly.
So what is a reasonable price for you?
Not sure Why you have one for sale?
Hey the deals are out there this fantasia Omni model (160409193192) sold recently on ebay for almost $170 and it's WITHOUT the fiber spay which is almost impossible to get

Then there is this Fantasia Omni (250591205114) WITH A GOOD SPRAY that sold over the weekend for....

.drum roll please...

...areyou sitting down...


Something is wrong in the Universe...spock has a beard!

Not sure how I missed that. Was it a buy it now or something?

That is funny though. $170 for one without the spray and $19 for one with. Granted there are some differences. Not sure why it would cause such a big discrepancy in price.

The $170 Omni was in great shape for it's age. It looks like it was barely used, almost new.

The $19 Omni is showing it's age. The spray, while good - is not original. It's a replacement. As far as I know. I have only seen the Omni with the "fireworks" type spray. The same one use in the Firefly. Never the spherical spray.

There is as you may guess.. yet another Omni on eBay as we speak. It looks like it has seen better days. The spray has major damage in the middle as you can see by all the light and some of the strands are all on one side/dipping really low. It also looks like the seller tried to clean it and pretty much removed all traces of the gold on the base :(

Its already got a bid for $60
Yep, buy it now...kinda how i got my Galaxy...BTW I got my MR-!! bulb today and am experimenting with it in the galaxy....cant wait to try it in the dark. got some clearance issues tho.

so what is a "fieworks " spray and how is it different from a Sunburst of Galaxy? did fantasia make any other types of sprays? Do the fittings vary also?

Yes, I saw the new Omni...funny little "alter" the ey have it set up on. Yes, I see how the spray is different..I though tit was just old and clumped together.

I guess you bid on that fantasia base last night, but somebody snaked you at the last seconds....bummer. so you like those low wattage lamps? I've been staying away from them as the Sunburst is like 5 times as bright.

Just a thought, but we should try and make sure we dont bid against each other...or other folks on this list. It would be a waste of money in my book.
Depending on what a reasonable price for you is.

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