Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Fixing Frenchie (my vintage glitter lamp from France)

I got my first vintage French glitter lamp a week or so ago. It's nice, but a little dinged up. Though I have a plug converter for it, I'd like to rewire it for the US. I took it to a lamp repairman here and he thought I could use US bulbs on it even though it's wired for France. He took the bulb out of the glitter lamp, put it in a US lamp and it worked. However, I have tried several US bulbs and none of them will turn on in this lamp.

LampHead and Jim tell me it would be easy to rewire this lamp. I am not so confident. So, here's the pics of it...help!

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Or use two smaller coils. The US-made Continental oval lava used two small coils side-by-side, edges meshed slightly. Mind you, it IS two separate coils, not one bent in a figure, eight, in the Lava-Simplex one.
Thanks! I've got one spare coil from my Consort. I have turned my Consort into a glitter.
Use the Consort coil, it should fit fine. One coil should be okay. A note about the oval models: being thinner in one dimension, dark-colored liquids may look brighter. White lava/colored liquid looks great in these, or dark colors like red/blue or purple/blue would look fantastic!

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