Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone has received their pre-order of a Mathmos Smart Astro yet. I ordered mine back in the middle of September and I've not received mine as yet. Hopefully they will be coming out soon, I paid for two as I ordered them.

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Maybe the whale turned into a bowl of petunias? lol
Jim also spoke of the censorship of some of the powers that be on this site, apparently Big Brother doesn't like transparency
Yes most certainly, I would/will send them back if I'm not happy with them or the way they are lit, most certainly. I purchased the lamps because I collect Mathmos lamps and I think they look and sound brilliant, I think they will turn out to be as expected so there shouldn't be a problem. However, if they don't they will go back, they are not cheap at the end of the day. I collect Mathmos lamps because to me, they are the best and I'm happy with all my Mathmos lamps. However, I certainly wouldn't keep or buy a lamp that I wasn't happy with just because it is made by Mathmos.
Just had a email promotion from mathmos stating its released today 24 nov
doubt it be next day delievery, maybe friday or middle of next week, i better get number 1 lol wonder how they work out what customer gets what number, it should be done by orders placed like if youre order was the 10th one they recieved you get the number 10 lamp
well if i say was the 10th order recieved, i wouldnt be happy getting lamp number 999, as with all limited editions the lower the number the more value it will be in years to come, provided the leds etc still work lol
I just want my lamp don't care if it has a number or not.
Looks like the waiting is almost over, they should be here shortly.
No email as yet, so it looks like they've not been sent out yet.
I've just received a Parcelforce email notification to let me know that the lamps should be here tomorrow.
ive not recieved a email HMMMMMMM sob sob
I have to say I'm excited lol, I will put pictures up as soon as I can.

Maybe they are despatching them in the order they were pre-ordered, who knows. I was a bit trigger happy and purchased them as soon as I got the launch email.

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