Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

You may have noticed a bit of, let's say, "heated discussion" happening on the Goo lately.  It happens from time to time on any popular forum-based site;  disagreements turn into fights and then it becomes personal.  It's not unusual and I'm not really here to blame anyone.

What we do need is a clear set of Community Guidelines, more transparency regarding account suspensions, and a more robust Moderator team.  Because 2 of the current Mods (Jerome and I) are not on the site as frequently as necessary, we'll be getting replaced by 2 new admins.  I'm going to remain available to be a tie-breaker in case of a split decision on the new Mod team.

We're going to create an ongoing thread here in this OG Network Talk section for suspensions to explain the reason and list the duration of the suspension.

If you have a Mod nomination that you would like to make, make it here in this thread.  I'll take ALL the nominations and create a poll.  The 2 new Mods will be selected by me from the top 5 results of the poll.  I wish I could make everyone a Mod, but that's just crazy talk. 

The Moderator terms for all 4 spots will be 1-year, and we will go through a similar process next year. This way everyone who wants to be a Mod, and is recognized by their peer group as worthy, will get a chance to try it out (and probably learn it ain't as easy as it looks)  :-)

Mark Goo

Views: 554

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Actually all people need to be accountable for the behaviour.
People who don't follow rules need to be handled in a mannor to show them where things went wrong.
When people are removed from the priviledge of being here, Others need to understand why.
There was communication of policy adjustment to this the other day.
Let me make this easier for everyone.
List the names of who you want to be a mod.
The posts should look like this. NO DISCUSSIONS JUST VOTES. If you want to talk about something reply to someone else.


I would nominate Lamphead and Weebotech
I second that, Lamphead and weebo
lamphead for modsident!
That's not cool. :( Maybe we need to talk about someone getting DE-modded.
I'll ask Astro about that. We chat by email. That doesn't sound like him - being hateful, I mean. Chatty, yes - he can talk one's ear off. How do you know this, Andrew?
We already talked about it in chat so don't worry about it.
If Weebo can get behind Lamphead, I can, too - I trust him. I vote for Weebo as well. So far, I'm seeing a few votes for these two. Someone want to make an official thread for this?
I vote for Andrew, Erin and Jonas. Its not the length of time spent here its the impartial ability to judge fairly.
Thanks LampHead... Other reason I don't think I'd make a good mod: I assume it often requires reading every post in every thread on every board, looking for issues... I can see Erin being good.



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