Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

hi guys

i went into a charity shop today and noticed a copper living jewel out in there back room, so i asked if i could buy it, the reply was no it leaks i said i didnt mind, the stupid jobsworth said it must be trown away as it was dangerous, again i said i dont mind and would make a donation so she didnt have to sell it to me, again i got a no, so this is a crestworth that is destined for the tip, wouldnt even let me get rid of it, how stupid is this person


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wtf! maybe you should try when there is another seller in the shop?

They wouldn't be allowed to sell you it or give you it, because of the relevant laws to do with the sale of electrical goods needing safefy tests etc. Awful but that's the way it is, maddening for the collector who knows how to restore it and not get electricuted in the process :(


That, or it was working and not leaking and the person knew what it was and was going to take it home themselves.

That happened to me in a Spencer's a couple years ago. I had asked a clerk to fetch me a display resin skull lamp with the red/clear 32oz. globe that came out with the Pimp goblet lamp. They went to ring it up and because the lamp model was no longer in their inventory they refused to sell it to me and put it into the trash compactor. I really hate rules like that, it also happened in a Christmas Tree Shoppes, they refused to sell me a black/clear 52oz US globe from a broken batman Vandor lamp.

Equally upsetting has been getting lamps from the UK with the electrical cords cut off due to electrical export restrictions.

Fortunately it only happened a couple times.

I got a lamp today by making a donation at a charity shop that didn't test electrical goods. get hold of the manager, explain that they can remove the plug and give/sell it to you as scrap metal. Don't let them waste such a good item through ignorance.
Damn jobsworths as you say. There's so much empahisis on the health and safety, 'nanny state' culture. Just sell you the darn thing! Maybe even write a letter exonerating them from any responsibility. Such a shame if these people trash it.
Sometimes the sellers do this because they believe they have to. It only happened a few times.

James Reiche said:

Wow, this actually happens?

Who cut's the cords off, the customs agents?

I would be totally outraged and furious if this happened to me, and I would demand a full refund.

WeeboTech said:

Equally upsetting has been getting lamps from the UK with the electrical cords cut off due to electrical export restrictions.

Fortunately it only happened a couple times.



It is, or was, regulation in the UK that sellers of used electrical appliances (anything with a cord) had to cut off the plug. The idea was to force the new owner to take it to a repair shop to have a new one put on, which would give the item an electrical test, and thus keep liability off the seller in case it was unsafe and burned down a house.


I agree: go back and see if you can catch another employee, or go dumpster diving if you have to. But I'm betting another employee would make an exception.

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