Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

If I wanted to paint some of my bases and caps, would I need any certain kind of paint to stand up to the heat, or just regular spray paint? I'm trying to remember what we used in high school drama making stage lights by painting the outside of some coffee cans black and sticking a lamp assembly inside them, but i'm coming up blank.

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Spray paint works fine, high heat paints aren't neccesary.
awesome, thanks

☆VixenGypsy☆ said:
Spray paint works fine, high heat paints aren't neccesary.

I used a stone texture paint for my grande bases and caps. Not "high heat" paint or anything. All had been fine so far!!




Awesome. I'm half contemplating a color shifting paint..

Wile E. Coyote said:

I used a stone texture paint for my grande bases and caps. Not "high heat" paint or anything. All had been fine so far!!

You could try radiator spray paint, I've found some great colours and it's worked well for me.
I always wanted to do a flip flop paint job... just haven't found the right chameleon color yet. The stone textures are very nice, just take a week before running them, sometimes the globe will stick to the base! Oops!

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