Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have a century lamp that recently stopped flowing. Someone had advised me that a couple drops of dish soap would start the flow. It began flowing agan but eventually the lava became overloaded with air bubbles or soap bubbles. Is there anyway to fix this or is this lamp screwed?

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I have a simmler problem with a astrobabay which i got 2nd hand - it seams like the wax is cooked and has been over used and there is zero flow, so it seams to me like mine is a wax problem - therefore it will be goo kited.

As for your century - yea soap can work as it brakes down the wax but just adding soap can be a temporary solution. However if the lamp has been used a lot then the wax can deteriorate and be 'dead' often = zero or rubbish flow.

My advice  would be to redo the lamp if it has had a lot of use or if not then a water change could work as when the balance is messed up it is often irreversible.

get yourself a dimmer switch so you can turn down the heat some


I have a 70s red wax/yellow water lamp that works great for several hours then just blobs up at the bottom and stays that way. I'll try the dimmer switch. Thank you for sharing solutions! :)  
its overheating when it does that. What type of bulb do you have on it? and a dimmer switch always comes in handy but if you have the wrong bulb in it, that could be the issue. Also does it have the reflector ring on the lamp? you can try taking that out too. The ring deflects the light and heat more upward, remove it and it's not so direct.

Max Collins said:
I have a 70s red wax/yellow water lamp that works great for several hours then just blobs up at the bottom and stays that way. I'll try the dimmer switch. Thank you for sharing solutions! :)

Sylvania Appliance Bulb 40 watt 115-125 v Clear. No heat ring. It works really great for a while and then blop/flop.

Is this the correct bulb? I will get the dimmer tomorrow or maybe a lower watt bulb?

Thank you! 

well the next level down in bulb wattage is a 25 watts which may not be enough to get it going. Maybe if it was on for a good 24 hrs it'll flow but you may not want to wait that long. Also You may want to try a frosted 40 watt bulb. Then tend to run a tad cooler then the clear bulb and see if that works. If that doesn't work use a dimmer.

Thanks Doc!!!


no problem let us know how it goes.

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