Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Here are a couple pictures of the new LL line that are Spencer's only exclusives lamps. Should be available soon probably Aug or Sept. Whether they'll be good flowing lamps or not is a mystery (but most likely the same old shitty flow) some of the colors are pretty cool though. There is also 2 new globe color combos. A Midnight Blue / White and a Champange Red / White.






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At the very least, the new bases ought to be cool, even if you have to goo kit or substitute with US globes. Who knows with the flow though, I mean the orange/black lamps Spencer's had last year were fairly decent if you bought them from the store. When these lamps are shipped in a large quantities to the store on a skid, they are kept upright, bound together and are far more stable than personal orders which are more likely to bounce about the truck. Thus the store lamps are less likely to cloud.
Exactly, I'm hoping these new ones will be like the orange/black ones they got.  I bought 2 of those and both ended up being pretty clear but flow was okay.
Well, I like the PICTURES of the new lamps. :) If anyone gets one, or sees them in stores, make sure to get pics up here!
lol ya the photoshopped pictures are nice.

Erin said:
Well, I like the PICTURES of the new lamps. :) If anyone gets one, or sees them in stores, make sure to get pics up here!
I want one of these lamps. They will make great goo kit candidates.
I'm willing to try out the midnight blue and champagne red ones. But I'm not excepting much other then decent bases.
The red in black looks pretty. If it flows well, I'm on. The metallic bases don't do it for me, but I don't think they're ugly, either.
Yeah the red/black and the midnight blue are the only ones catching my eye. I think the midnight blue will look much darker and nicer then the other blue bases we seen from LL.
I really wish they'd just post pictures of the ACTUAL lamps instead of these Photoshops. The real lamps area always so disappointing.
Oh I agree 100%, but you know we wished for a lot that LL would do and they don't so I wouldn't hold my breath on anything.
i though there was also going to be a number 27 globe

If anyone is interested sonic electronix has most of the new lamps for dirt cheap prices.


I really doubt any of the globes will be worth keeping though.

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