Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I thought I'd start a post on neat / rare eBay lava and glitter sales. Sometimes it's nice to remember the sale of a really cool or hardly-seen item.

Please only post completed/closed eBay auctions - please don't post any open sales!

I'll start off with the Princess wall model lava that sold tonight. Anyone here get this? :)

If you post to this thread with a completed auction, please try to include a screen shot, not a link. After so many months eBay removes auctions and for historical purposes, it'd be nice to see what sold.

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Some really incredible lamps!! I particularly like the lampe a bulles, amazingly Martian like :)

Cool idea. Something we can all remember them by and what a sale to start of with, that fantactic wall sconce 'Princess'.



Silver Capri. You don't see these too often.

I was the lucky winner of the silver Capri. :)
Nice lamp, congrats!!
Thank you. It was a rare case of "Would you accept a 'Buy It Now' of..."  Never hurts to ask. :)

wizard of ooze said:
Nice lamp, congrats!!
ard of Ooze, did you by any chance save a full-size copy of the photo of the triple Florence Art glitter? That version is rarer than the triples with bigger bottles, and I need a better photo of one.
Jonas, I have a pic of it if Wizard doesn't.

Jonas Clark-Elliott said:
ard of Ooze, did you by any chance save a full-size copy of the photo of the triple Florence Art glitter? That version is rarer than the triples with bigger bottles, and I need a better photo of one.

Yes Jonas, I have all the full size pics from that auction. Here they are:


The Royal

The Royal was my very first lava lamp given to me by my grandma in 1975 who had it on top her living room T.V. It ended up meeting an unfortunate demise shortly thereafter and I hope to find another one someday.
What happened? And thanks for the photos, Wiz.

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