Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I was talking to LampHead earlier and he told me he bought a 35th Anniversary Edition 32oz lamp in the past year.  I was thinking to myself..."Do I have that?  What does it look like?".  Then I found it on the far left of my lava wall.  I am wondering if this or something similar ever happened to any of you...forgetting what lamps you have and dont' have.


Also, after I realized I have that 35th Anniversary Ed. lamp, I was looking at some of the boxes I have lying around.  And then I found a Crestworth Excellence wall mounted lamp.  I totally forgot about having that lamp!!!


Guess I've been away fr my lava life for too long...






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its your age lol
I do, only 'cause I have a spreadsheet on all of them. ;)

I have a catalog page myself that I put together with photoshop and stock photos to keep all my lamps documented. 


What's that? Post pics!!!

Mike said:
I forgot one more. I was digging last week I found a Magma Fountain too. Though the pump is shot half way tempted to attach another to the old to see if it will boost its flow...
I might want it! Depending on what it is. LOL

Mike said:
Sure, but you will have to wait til Saturday it's packed away, it's like the wave machine but round and talll kinda lame looking but cool to have. I may just sell it for parts..
LOL, now that is a serious collector.  

Erin said:
I might want it! Depending on what it is. LOL

Mike said:
Sure, but you will have to wait til Saturday it's packed away, it's like the wave machine but round and talll kinda lame looking but cool to have. I may just sell it for parts..

How can you just FORGET you have that Crestworth wall sconce!? Better hang it up!!


I did have an incident like this, though, and I'm still confused by it. Everyone know what I mean by those heat-driven rotary motion lamps? In one room, I had a wooden box sitting upside-down on the floor, with my stereo on top. It had been there since 2005 or so. I took it off to clean behind it last year, overturned the box... and under it was a 90s reproduction tropical fish motion lamp (the kind with a pleated outer shade that makes the projected fish wavy so they look like they're swimming). I don't remember buying or having this, nor do I know why I would have put it under a box and put something on top that I rarely move.

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