Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I've been using these for about 5 years now and It's like having a remote control fireplace. Plus if you have a lava setup that's high up on shelves or your just sick of flipping 30 switches these are a great investment.




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Yea thies look quite cool - i have some sitting in the attic, i think i will get them setup and put some revews out etc.
They are well worth it, I mean come on, who wouldn't want to turn on 20 lamps at once with just a click of a button while sitting on your couch watching football? lol
Didn't know you could buy something like these. I have some lamps in the bedroom and have to get out of bed to turn them off.
to be quite honist my aimed profeshion inolves truning on and controling hundreds of lights so i am surprised at myself i havent sorted out remote control of my lava's
I have a similar system here in the UK which uses Radio frequency instead of infra red which needs line of sight to work, it's brilliant being able to turn mine on and off in which ever order I please :-)
No sure what these are radio or infra red, but I never have a problem with line of sight. I have my ledge of lamps and that is way up there and tucked away and it still works fine.
Mine arrived today thank you!
Whoa, how did I miss this?! Awesome!

i just picked up a set of these at target (westinghouse 3 pack) for $19.99 in the christmas section.  i hooked one up to a power strip and now i can turn on all of my lamps at once with the touch of a button.  no more having to reach for cords multiple times.  there are 3 channels, so each base can be controlled independently.  there's even a button to turn all channels on/off.  i highly recommend them.

they use radio frequency, so it works through walls and from a distance.  the ones i purcahsed have a much lower profile than the ones in the photo above.  each remote base can handle 1200w, so you could plug in an entire strip of grandes and still have room for more.

now... does anybody have a webcam and a remote power switch so they can watch their lava from work?  :)

oh i need to get me some of these!

I have got some of thies made by standby by by http://www.byebyestandby.com/Starterkit.php its not this exact one as I have the older model I find its more of a gadget then anything else its cool but not compleatly nessary.

I think with this you can remotly control up to 8 sockets I have only got 3 sockets so far to turn on / off a lava display (the display goes through the remote controled socket). As they are only the 3A versions I can't use it for the main lava shelf - it would be good to get a fue 13A ones so I can turn on / off the other lamp displays and other lights in my room. 

Myelin check out this for rermote control via the internet http://www.byebyestandby.com/byebyestandbyonline.php

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