Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Like so many others, I too have a cloudy Grande. I knew that's what I was buying when I found it on eBay though. It was $50 shipped. 


I waited about two days before I dumped it. I did attempt to run it once last night, but since I couldn't really see the lava, I can only assume this thing had some sort of aneurysm by the looks of it today:


Seriously, it actually kinda grossed me out:


Another gross shot:



I followed Shawn's lovely tutorial for Goo-Kitting and only spilled twice. ;)



Blue duct tape!



Clean globe, with 60s Century on in the background for inspiration:   :)



And blah, blah, blah, now I'm waiting for its first run!



My plans are to dye the liquid (water) green, paint the base a muted copper and drill holes in it like a Century. 


More news as I progress! Can't wait to see this running. 

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Share the heat cone shield pls.  A pic would be great too. What is it supposed to do?  Increase the heat or re-direct it???

Erin said:

AND we have flow! Thanks to Andrew (again, again, again) for the tinfoil heat cone shield idea. Within minutes of rigging that up, I had Goo flow! This will definitely tide me over until I get the flood bulbs.

Two issues: I would like more stringy flow. I'm guessing a partial dump and refill of the liquid would work?


Also, I have little fibers in the water. I used only distilled water, so I'm not sure how those got in there. They are barely noticeable unless you get really close. I want them OUT though! LOL


Also thanks for Jim for figuring out I was using the wrong bulb.


And of course Shawn for the excellent how-to. :)

I love all you goo dudes. :)


It's just a bunch of tinfoil stuff around the bulb so the heat is directed upwards instead of being wasted hanging out in the giant spaceous base. I believe it will just redirect the wasted heat towards the bottom of the globe. It does indeed speed up the warm-up time.


I also have 100W reflector bulbs in there which are supposed to point the heat up, but my Grande still takes a LONG time to get going without the foil. 


Here's a pic. Don't laugh. ;) Obviously you could go get some tin at a hardware store and construct something more effective and nicer-looking than this. ;)

Mr MaGoo said:

Share the heat cone shield pls.  A pic would be great too. What is it supposed to do?  Increase the heat or re-direct it???

Smart lady...it helps out right...heck looks like function over fashion...only you will see it when needed anyhow...
Probably could take an aluminum can and with a cardboard or paper template, cut out a cone that would just drop down in there.  That idea already has artistic license called "MrMagoo's Magic Cone".  Just a thought.  :)
ya know.... i have an idea.. we use metal sheeting on the roof for Valleys and around chimineys and such... surely this could be used for such application... matter of face i have stuff that is already cone shaped... they are called cone vents... but just the base part..you can find them in any HD or Lowes in the plumbing area..strange since roofers apply them...but..And.. they come in many diff. sizes.

so here is one...the top of one.. this one is larger  i believe they come in sizes 8 in down to 2 in.. that size comes from the diamter of circle.. so obviously you cut desired length then insert into lamp base upside down.. cut with metal snips coming from base (flat part_ up .. as not to touch part that would be inserted..


Funny  lol

Mr MaGoo said:
Probably could take an aluminum can and with a cardboard or paper template, cut out a cone that would just drop down in there.  That idea already has artistic license called "MrMagoo's Magic Cone".  Just a thought.  :)

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