Like so many others, I too have a cloudy Grande. I knew that's what I was buying when I found it on eBay though. It was $50 shipped.
I waited about two days before I dumped it. I did attempt to run it once last night, but since I couldn't really see the lava, I can only assume this thing had some sort of aneurysm by the looks of it today:
Seriously, it actually kinda grossed me out:
I followed Shawn's lovely tutorial for Goo-Kitting and only spilled twice. ;)
Blue duct tape!
Clean globe, with 60s Century on in the background for inspiration: :)
And blah, blah, blah, now I'm waiting for its first run!
My plans are to dye the liquid (water) green, paint the base a muted copper and drill holes in it like a Century.
More news as I progress! Can't wait to see this running.
Views: 1948
AND we have flow! Thanks to Andrew (again, again, again) for the tinfoil heat cone shield idea. Within minutes of rigging that up, I had Goo flow! This will definitely tide me over until I get the flood bulbs.
Two issues: I would like more stringy flow. I'm guessing a partial dump and refill of the liquid would work?
Also, I have little fibers in the water. I used only distilled water, so I'm not sure how those got in there. They are barely noticeable unless you get really close. I want them OUT though! LOL
Also thanks for Jim for figuring out I was using the wrong bulb.
And of course Shawn for the excellent how-to. :)
I love all you goo dudes. :)
It's just a bunch of tinfoil stuff around the bulb so the heat is directed upwards instead of being wasted hanging out in the giant spaceous base. I believe it will just redirect the wasted heat towards the bottom of the globe. It does indeed speed up the warm-up time.
I also have 100W reflector bulbs in there which are supposed to point the heat up, but my Grande still takes a LONG time to get going without the foil.
Here's a pic. Don't laugh. ;) Obviously you could go get some tin at a hardware store and construct something more effective and nicer-looking than this. ;)
Share the heat cone shield pls. A pic would be great too. What is it supposed to do? Increase the heat or re-direct it???
so here is one...the top of one.. this one is larger i believe they come in sizes 8 in down to 2 in.. that size comes from the diamter of circle.. so obviously you cut desired length then insert into lamp base upside down.. cut with metal snips coming from base (flat part_ up .. as not to touch part that would be inserted..
Probably could take an aluminum can and with a cardboard or paper template, cut out a cone that would just drop down in there. That idea already has artistic license called "MrMagoo's Magic Cone". Just a thought. :)
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