Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Vintage American Lava Lamps to TRADE for Vintage American or French Lava/Glitters

Well, it only took me over 10 years, but I am finally digging through my closets and setting up ALL of my lavas for display.  They are looking BEAUTIFUL!  I promise to do a ton of pics and video as soon as everything is done.


After going through my closets, I found that I have a lot of duplicates (Saturna, Mediterannean, White Squiggles, White Squiggle planters, etc.).  I am looking to  


with another member for any that I may not have.  I would be willing to give several lamps for a lamp that I do not have.  I may be an obsessive collector, but I do not need multiples of the same lamp (unless there are some serious variations).


I am ONLY looking for 60's/70's lamps that are missing from my collection.  This would also include any Florence lamps.  I have, what I believe to be, the most complete collection of American lava lamps and Florence lamps from this period, so it has to be a RARE one. 


In the alternative, I have an extreme passion for vintage French lava and glitter lamps.  Porcelain, unusual metal ones, etc.  I would totally be up for trading for one or more of these, as well.  I am not interested in any of the "boiler" lamps. 


Please let me know what you have that you are willing to trade and what you are looking for.  We can take it from there.


I look forward to hearing from you and, hopefully, adding to and subtracting from my collection.

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P.S.  I am also looking for just the base that holds the glass of the candle lava.

I would love a Saturna!


Most of my French glitters need working on.

Hey Bryin, I am sure your collection would look aswesome if displayed. You've a fantastic collection and mix of lamps from all over the world.
Only thing I have of any note is an empty French steel oval with oval windows, which I got from Karoll. I really wish I had something to trade and that you'd consider trading away one of your tiny lava-boilers, as those fascinate me. The only other French lamps I have are a refilled oval lava that looks like a Lava-Simplex "Continental" but with a sort of cubist hoarfrost-like etching on the metal, which I love, and the oval green ceramic Softanex glitter, which looks like it's covered in moss and pond scum and is a huge fave.

I'd be willing to trade my wooden French lava lamp for a nice clean Aladdin.

I only have one Aladdin, but I might be willing to trade it for that lamp!  We're talking about the lamp with the wild wrought iron, correct?

fog rider said:

I'd be willing to trade my wooden French lava lamp for a nice clean Aladdin.

I'll trade you my wife, errr, one of my wife's cats.  :-)

That's correct Bryin. Do you have any other lamps you might be willing to trade?

Bryin said:

I only have one Aladdin, but I might be willing to trade it for that lamp!  We're talking about the lamp with the wild wrought iron, correct?

fog rider said:

I'd be willing to trade my wooden French lava lamp for a nice clean Aladdin.

I don't think I have anything else you want, so let's do the trade for the Aladdin!  As you can tell, I really want the French one!  Thanks. 

fog rider said:

That's correct Bryin. Do you have any other lamps you might be willing to trade?

Bryin said:

I only have one Aladdin, but I might be willing to trade it for that lamp!  We're talking about the lamp with the wild wrought iron, correct?

fog rider said:

I'd be willing to trade my wooden French lava lamp for a nice clean Aladdin.


Jim said:
I'll trade you my wife, errr, one of my wife's cats.  :-)
That wild wrought iron and wood lava is amazingly cool. Almost more genuinely Spanish than the Lava-Simplex Mediterranean, which was more of a "1970s American Mediterranean furniture craze" look, best on one of those hexagonal dark faux wood end tables.
w00t, nice trade guys!

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