Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have a wave machine for sale. Its a lavaworld adriatic 16 with blue/red fluids and it does have a box.

I paid 99 euros for it and thats the price I would sell it for...no more, no less.

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forgot to metion, it works with 220 V as it is a european model, so potential us buyers would need a converter or it will run pretty slow.

Would you consider shipping it to the US? the reason i ask is because i would like to buy it.

HI was this ever sold?

I do have one more though...pink clear uv reactive.

How much for the pink UV reactive wave?  Email me at phreaktor@yahoo.com please.

Arne said:

I do have one more though...pink clear uv reactive.

Hi Arne, I would really like to buy your pink wavemachine, i suppose its 220v too, right? Karsten, Denmark


Yes its 220v but phreactor asked first, of I dont come to an agreement with him its yours, ok?

That´s fair enough Arne :-)

Put me down as 3rd please.

Gandhiman said:

Hi Arne, I would really like to buy your pink wavemachine, i suppose its 220v too, right? Karsten, Denmark


Ok, now we got three...well the thing is, I paid 100€ and now saw prices waves go for in the uk...so how bout whoever is interested just sends me an offer and then we'll see...?
And no,I'm not greedy, I'm certainly not asking for the 700 the blue new boxed adriatic went for, but I guess you can understand that I'm trying to make the best of it. Btw it comes with a second fully working replacement drive unit in case the original one ever fails...it comes from a wave that leaked and ha to be binned:-(

ok since everybody wants the wave but nobody seems to be willing to pay a fair price (come on, I'm not stupid...150$? lol) I will do the following: I'll wait one week and see if a fair offer is made. If not you will see a video of a wave beeing murdered by a pro slingshot...always wanted to do this with a lava lamp, but hey, a wave is good for that as well...will be fun! See ya :-)

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