Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I thought I'd start a post on neat / rare eBay lava and glitter sales. Sometimes it's nice to remember the sale of a really cool or hardly-seen item.

Please only post completed/closed eBay auctions - please don't post any open sales!

I'll start off with the Princess wall model lava that sold tonight. Anyone here get this? :)

If you post to this thread with a completed auction, please try to include a screen shot, not a link. After so many months eBay removes auctions and for historical purposes, it'd be nice to see what sold.

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One can never have too many Mille Luci glitters. : )

This one looked cool, but I missed out :(

I'm surprised someone bid on that period lol

Does this mean you aren't going to like your birthday present?  :-(

Dr. WHAT?! said:

I'm surprised someone bid on that period lol

LOL! If he doesn't want it I'll take it Jim ;)

I think you should keep it Jimbo, it'll make a good lava topper for the imperial ;) speaking of dude.... where are the flowing pics of it? Should you just bring it to my house so we can get lighting just right?! :-o

Jim said:

Does this mean you aren't going to like your birthday present?  :-(

Dr. WHAT?! said:

I'm surprised someone bid on that period lol

What imperial? Jim's got an imperial?

yes, Jim got his Imperial last month, look he has pics  http://oozinggoo.ning.com/photo/photo/listForContributor?screenName...

Ooze, PLEASE tell me you have large-sized photos of that really crazy boiler. I really, really, really could use those. I have a photo of some unknown French collector's collection of boilers, and one like that is on the shelf, but too small to see it in detail so I can put it in my list. Pleeeeease send me photos...?

wizard of ooze said:

2 French boilers....Oddly, the 2nd one which I thought looked more interesting closed with no bids.

I have just the one pic of that boiler (auction only showed that 1 pic)

Jonas Clark-Elliott said:

Ooze, PLEASE tell me you have large-sized photos of that really crazy boiler. I really, really, really could use those. I have a photo of some unknown French collector's collection of boilers, and one like that is on the shelf, but too small to see it in detail so I can put it in my list. Pleeeeease send me photos...?

wizard of ooze said:

2 French boilers....Oddly, the 2nd one which I thought looked more interesting closed with no bids.

Thanks. So at least two exist; the one in my photo is almost identical, but purple!

These are very well made. I have 3 of these in slightly different style and color. They're called "Mille Luce" (thousand lights) from the 70's. Made in Italy but U.S. wired. I didn't bid on this one though.

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