Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

okay, so i know the original colors were port and starboard. port is red/red but im finding conflicting info when it comes to the starboard. i thought it was green/green

here it says its green/red in the lava library write up


here on flowoflava.com it says its blue/topaz yellow and shows an of ad of it in blue/topaz then directly under it says green.


im confused...which color is it? does any one have a pic? did it come in other colorways besides port and starboard?


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You have two of the same link there. Also, the Crestworth was the UK company and Lava Lite was the US company. Both made the Coachlite lantern and it's very possible that the colors were different for each company. 

The first link you have there is for the US Lava Lite version. The 2nd link (which I think is incorrect) would likely link to the UK Crestworth version. 

sorry, heres the correct 2nd link for flowoflava http://www.imovatedesign.co.uk/astro/60shere.html

yes, i know the first link write up is about us made coachlite but it mentions in there that original crestworth lantern colors were port and starboard. ill cut and paste that part below

In the UK, both a "port" version (red lava/red liquid) and a "starboard" version (red lava/green liquid) of the Copper Coach Lantern were made. The starboard version (red lava/green liquid) seems to be the rarer of the two versions.


 here is what flowoflava says

TRADITIONAL BEAUTY "ASTRO LANTERN" - All the fascination of the old hurricane lamps - the comfort of a ships light in a storm. Authentic copper anodic finish. Two models were produced "Port" - Red and "Starboard" - Green. Port consisted of Rose masterfluid and Ruby wax. Starboard consisted of Blue masterfluid and Topaz wax.

 so my question is not about us coachlites. i know what colors those came in. ny question is what is the original crestworth starboard colorway?...is it green/green, red /green or blue/topaz? also, did the uk made crestworth lanterns come in any other colorways besides port and starboard?

does my question make sence now? sorry if it didint before.



Hmmmm. Not sure. Might as Waggs. I think he has one:


I think the "green" could be referring to the blue/green liquid. 

that makes sence if they said "green" because the blue/topas appears greenish. while trying to figure this out on my own i came across some of waggs's photos. he made his with wax from a fluidium and india ink for the water. http://oozinggoo.ning.com/photo/port-starboard-lanterns?context=user he did an excellent job. i posted the question on lavamanuk's photo of his red/green lantern and i got a responce back from waggs.  http://oozinggoo.ning.com/photo/1960s-crestworth-astro-lantern?comm... 

this is what he said

The 2 original Crestworth lamp colours were called 'Port' which was red/red and 'Starboard' which was amber/green. But like this one and mine the old Crestworth colours were also put in these lamps.

he says amber/green? (im guessing he means the blue/topaz) and what are "the old crestworth colors"?


The old Crestworth colors are as follows:

Lava base: Topaz (gold), Amber (orange), Ruby (red). Also in some cases Emerald, though I don't know if this was an earlier or later color.

Liquid: Rose (pink), Primrose (pinkish-purple), yellow-green (golden with a tiny hint of green), blue-green (sea-green) and, in some catalogs, clear (again, clear might be an earlier or later offering).

I THINK the "Starboard" was blue-green/topaz and the "Port" was rose/ruby. I'm not certain, but I think later the Lantern was offered in any color.

The US Lantern colors are as follows:

1970s - red/clear, green/blue, orange(actually red)/yellow. I KNOW the copper Crestworth/"Gen. 1" models were sold during the time green/blue still used GREEN lava, but I'm not sure if they existed back when "orange/yellow" used ORANGE lava.

1983 or so and on: Red/clear (the only lamp of that timeframe to come in a color other than red/yellow or white/blue)

1989-1991: red/clear, white/blue.

okay thanks! so then do you think the red/green http://oozinggoo.ning.com/photo/1960s-crestworth-astro-lantern?comm... combo is original? i have an oppertunity to buy a red green just like this and want to make shure its original. it has the penny screws.  

ahhh...okay, thanks waggs! what do you think a fair price is for the red /green then? i saw a rose/ruby sell a week or 2 ago for 155 euro. i was also offered what looks like a green/green combo but in the pics it appears to be a dark green. much darker than your starboard.

thatks for all your help :) believe it or not the lamp i got yesterday aftre being cleaned and flitered looks just like the that one in the pic you posted above. i got it on ebay from someone in texas. im having trouble getting it to flow though. the person selling the green/red wants quite a bit more than 50 euro so im not shure if im going to buy it. its a gorgeous lamp though and the one he is selling as a starboard has green wax which appears really dark in the pics.

I'm curious how you filtered your crestworth lantern... i've recently acquired one but its pretty cloudy...

do you think its an original ?  I can't find any markings inside or out...

WaggS said:

I think you could expect to pay £30 - £50 for a red/green lantern (it depends who your buying it from) but also the red/green bottles have been discontinued. If the bottle is clear then it will be worth more. I bought a cloudy red/green and filtered it, luckily it survived and looks amazing today.

It could be that you have been offered an original 'starboard' bottle which over 40 yrs has aged, the fluid could be dark because its cloudy, its hard to say without seeing it. Also that original colour was definitely yellow wax with blue-green fluid. But when you see pics of these lamps the fluid always looks more green than blue to me.

see this video - http://youtu.be/kZo6Z5c0rRY

(fast forward to 55seconds)

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