Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Does anyone have any information on the Magma Colour Fountain produced by Haggerty? I have one that I am trying to sort out and would like some help if anyone has one of these lamps.

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have NEVER seen one of these before, how does it work, what does it do ??? looks really cool
sure pm the shipping price and i'll send ya the funds, i'll see if i can fix it. Thanks buddy : )
I got mine from a car boot and it was water damaged inside. Luckily it is fairly simple, a control for the pump and to make volcanic eruption sounds in time with it. It's actually lovely to watch when it works properly.
I've got all the electrics working again, although a diode needs replacing, which I hope will sort out the fact it's started to run continuously. The main problem is that the magma liquid and the clear liquid are emulsifying when the pump runs, steadily turning into bubbles of thick white matter. I imagine this is due to some other agent being in there contaminating the mix. Any thoughts on how to clear up the mix? Wave machine fluid might be an option but I have no idea how to mix this or where to source it.
Thanks for all your responses, this is the first time I have posted on this forum.

Two images of my lamp. If I run it long enough, virtually all the liquid will emulsify.
Tricky one. I disconnected the chip board, cleaned and resoldered any corroded looking contacts. I also had to take the switch apart and clean it and did the same with the volume wheel. However you need to know if your adaptor is giving any power to the lamp to start with. The cable on mine is transparet so you can see if there is any damage. You could check the adaptor by testing it on another appliance or the lamp with another adaptor, but that needs wires disconneting etc so is a pain. Good rule of thumb is to listen to the adaptor when it's plugged in, if it's not humming away gently then it's almost certainly dead. Hope that helps.

On the final stages of fixing this now. Hope to post some pictures soon. Have had to cannibalise a bubble lamp for parts, so haven't been able to keep all the originals, but I've finally found enough replacement liquid of the right colours.

It's only taken me two years.

Can't wait to see how this turns out! I am very curious! 

I want one of these so bad.

I didn't even know these existed or even that Hagerty made them so this is completely new and it looks very cool, i would love one of these.

Does anyone else know about these and there history etc.

Made in the late 90s, I think? Not many around and I think they broke pretty easily. 

Hey just wondering if you ever got the fluid fixed?  I just got one of these and it's got the same problem.  I've been debating emptying it and trying to skim off that white film that seems to be what makes the most bubbles but am hesitant to in case that ruins it completely.  

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