Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

That is the basic style, but you can choose from 20 colors for the glitter, 42 colors for the base, and 10 colors for the oil (11 including "clear") I hope to actually mod these and sell them soon, but my shipment hasn't even been manufactured yet.

So, if you guys don't mind, please let me practice by showing you what some lamps look like that you created! This is not a pre-order or anything, you haven't just committed to buy anything. :P I just need some experience building this web interface.

SO, if you want to participate, just post here, and tell me what colors you want for everything! Ok, here are the choices:



- Red

- Strawberry

- Orange

- Yellow

- Lime

- Green

- Kelly Green

- Sky Blue

- Blue

- Royal Blue

- Purple

- Violet

- Fuscia

- Hot Pink

- Ballet Pink

- Gold

- Silver

- Copper

- Black

- White

- Brown

- Metallic Red

- Metallic Strawberry

- Metallic Orange

- Metallic Yellow

- Metallic Lime

- Metallic Green

- Metallic Kelly Green

- Metallic Sky Blue

- Metallic Blue

- Metallic Royal Blue

- Metallic Purple

- Metallic Violet

- Metallic Fuscia

- Metallic Hot Pink

- Metallic Ballet Pink

- Metallic Gold

- Metallic Silver

- Metallic Copper

- Metallic Bronze

- Metallic Black

- Metallic White




- Red

- Strawberry

- Orange

- Yellow

- Mint

- Green

- Kelly Green

- Sky Blue

- Blue

- Royal Blue

- Violet

- Fuscia

- Hot Pink

- Ballet Pink

- Gold

- Silver

- Copper

- Black

- White

- Rainbow




- Clear

- Red

- Orange

- Yellow

- Green

- Aqua

- Sky Blue

- Blue

- Purple

- Violet

- Pink



Whew! That's all the color choices! Hopefully I can make my database editable on the fly, so that I can take things off temporarily when I run out, and add new things when I find them.

So if anybody wants to try this, pick some colors, and I'll show you what your lamp would look like!


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Wow! I like that.

Mark Hand said:

There you go! I think the spray paint called "metallic white" might wind up being more like "pearl white" or "satin white", but we'll see. I haven't even gotten all of these paint colors yet, but I've confirmed that they exist, and are available to me. :)

babynoggin said:

Metallic white, rainbow and clear.

It reminds me of a strawberry poptart which are my favorite. :D

Well I got my "glitter stock" today. What this actually is is mirror confetti stock. Yeah. This won't work. I did actually get it to work, but the globe was like...mostly glycerine. It's moved really sluggishly, end even then there was way too much on the bottom. Oh well, I'll sell that on ebay or something, and at least make part of the money back, hopefully.

However, in better news, I finally just said to hell with it and opened the seal on my WaMu lamp. I swore I wouldn't, because I wanted to keep it sealed. In a way I did though, but the outer cap is off of the cork. And I know that's not good news, but this is: There was one piece of house glitter stuck to the top of the rubber plug! I didn't even have to uncork it to get the sample, and then I just taped it back up with electrical tape. Anyway, I now know that what I'm looking for is mylar gift wrap. Not mylar tissue, or film, but WRAP. That's what that stuff is, in there. Somebody on this board had mentioned mylar wrap, and they were right. :)

As an experiment today I made a working lamp with a 50/50 water to glycerine blend, and fine flake glitter. It discolored the water (like I knew it would), but it was more successful than the mirror confetti tests. I REALLY wish I could have found the manufacturer, but in spite of the knowledge that I could have gained from a manufacturer's sample policy, I still would have the problem of buying (and probably importing) huge rolls of material...1 for each color. Like I have room for all that, let alone the cost of that much at once.

Oh well, lesson learned. The important thing is that I now know exactly what I need. And even if I have to filter out the silver glitter from the liquid that ships with the lamp, and replace it with custom mylar glitter, then at least that will work. I'd honestly like to be able to say that my lamps all use mineral oil and water/glycerine, but if the lamp works and looks great, then it'll also be easier and cheaper to do it that way.

Oh, and I've almost finished re-doing the non-metallic bases and caps. They look muuuuch better now. :) Even if I can't get this interface working online as far as a means of taking custom orders, I still would like to put it up online just for fun. Right now the choices are limited to the supplies I have access to, but if it was just a fun thing to do online, the possibilities could be endless.

Mark your work has been amazing. I would like to present you with the title of "Mark Hand - Glitter Lamp Pioneer" for going where to man or woman has gone before to solve the mysteries of the glitter lamp.


Double ditto.

Man, I got SO much help from other people here. They were the real pioneers. :p

But thanks so much for the encouragement! I'm persistent, if nothing else...

Hey Mark, when you get these masterpieces flowing, can you give us Gooheads an estimate on take home costs?

Well I had already said $50 in another place, but honestly it's kinda hard to give a quote at this point. If I can sift out the glitter that already comes in the bottles already, then I won't have to buy glycerine. I'm going to start a...blog? I guess? Can't we do that here? LOL! Anyway, I want to centralize all the info I'm putting out, so I can keep up with it, and make it easier to access.

UK shipping will likely be expensive, and then there's the need to convert the lamps to UK electrical systems. :( I'm not saying I won't do it, I'm just letting you know. Then there's the fact that it can't be insured through UK mail, but I'm sure you're accustomed to that already. There is still so much to be worked out...I'm really ready for this preliminary period to be over, so that I can just get to the business of modding these, which is what I REALLY want to do.

And sorry, Mattmos...I dumbly assumed you were from the UK!

Hey Mark, No problem about the UK mix up- LOL. I must have overlooked your last quote of $50 for the glitters. And like you said, it's too early to give any set price right now.  

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