Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


todays lamps a considered harmless (I hope it's true because I'm running some of them not fully sealed).

Mathmos manual says it's not dangerous and could be disposed normaly, and I was told Gookits don't contain Perc.

But what about the old ones?

(and what is the time line between toxic ones and safe ones?)

I just bought a Crestworth Living Jewel and some says it contain Trichloretylene, which is toxic but not as bad as what is written in these alarming links:



Pretty scary!!!

Is it true?

What about the old lava lamps with perc? Especialy if they're not fully sealed?

and the glitterlite ones?

Can some little vapors escaping from them can be dangerous?

What is your opinion about this?

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Just find something funny:

-LAVA® brand products are not hazardous.

then later:

LAVA brand Wizard glitter lamp cleanup:
The glitter lamp contains a combination chemical compound with glitter flex. If the globe is broken, then the exposed liquid will have a strong odor, but it is not harmful if it is handled properly.
1. Open doors and/or windows to air out the surroundings.
2. Wear rubber gloves during the clean up process in order to protect against skin irritation and to prevent cuts from broken glass.
3. Carefully pick up and dispose of broken glass.
4. Use disposable towels to soak up excess liquid. Do NOT use water to aid in clean up because the liquid is not water soluble.
5. Dispose of any products soiled by the liquid and remove to an outside area.
6. After the liquid has been cleaned up, a commercial cleaning detergent may be used to deep clean the area.
Prompt clean up is the key in removing any stains and dissipating the odor.

I like the part: "if it is handled properly" :-)

Doesn't sound so safe if you have to be cautious as described...

todays lamps are considered harmless

I wouldn't say completely harmless - I mean it wouldn't be a good idea to drink them but they are a lot better then the previous ones.

Ovesley I don't know the exact formula but I am sure the wax contains solvents such as perc and the fluid probably glycerine and other similar ingredients.

Toxicicty wise I think your perfectly fine to run lamps that haven't been fully sealed - I would be more worried about the contents spilling out if its knocked over.

About the older ones - yes they do contain some nasty chemicals so precaution should be taken when dealing with the mixture inside. If vapours are escaping this could be a health risk so I don't advise to have old lamps with there caps off - if they are off then try and seal them up.

About Perc: I doubt Mathmos would be legaly able to write in their manual "not dangerous and could be disposed normaly" if their lamps were containing Perc.

For the gookits, I asked the question: "is there toxic chemicals in your goo? (like perc or else)" and the answer was negative.


Yes the problem is more about the old lamps, but until when?

Astralav said:

About Perc: I doubt Mathmos would be legaly able to write in their manual "not dangerous and could be disposed normaly" if their lamps were containing Perc.

For the gookits, I asked the question: "is there toxic chemicals in your goo? (like perc or else)" and the answer was negative.


Yes the problem is more about the old lamps, but until when?

Yes the problem is more about the old lamps, but until when?

I don't exactly know but i have emptied a old mathmos lamp from the early 90's (i think) and that seamed quite bad so I think that really its the lamps before the mid 90's that you should be carefull with.

i think as long as you dont drink one you should be fine lol ;D

Sweet..advice ..jaja

lava. luva ~ Tiffany said:

i think as long as you dont drink one you should be fine lol ;D

what kind of lamp wear this sticker? a Fast glitter I suppose.

What you call UK glitter is glitterlite is suppose?

Imagine a full Lunar bottle of Living Jewel, that would be amazing!

You need some paint of the bottom of this bottle :-)

(I'm jealous!) :-)

This is a slight concern that's been nagging me as my collection of vintage fast glitters has grown.

No obvious fumes, and no one appears to be suffering any adverse effects, but of course that's not a particularly valid measure of what could be happening!

Probably a little late now as I've been living with them for years, but looking into sealing the bottles better.

The old Crestworth living jewel lids were obviously glued firmly shut, and I suppose that is a pretty absolute seal? So could look a re-gluing everything if that hasn't been done.

Alternatively, wondered if some military grade PTFE tape on the bottle thread would be effective?

What do people think? 

Crestworth living jewels where the square glitter stays at the top are the version that used a toxic chemical but was alot safer than the stuff used in home stain removal cleaner at the time. Sata-lite  ( hunter lamps ) which were fast moving is the same chemical they do tend to leak and not so good sealed as the crestworths, i had one that used to smell near the cap but confess i like the odour LOL 

Both crestworth and the sata-lites fast moving cant be topped up with water. as for toxic as long as you dont drink it or vape it up cant see being much of a problem under normal use. below is crestworths instructions 

Glitterlite's aka slow moving is much saver and water soluble but not for drinking, as for whats in mathmos lava id say id be very suprised if any of the chemicals are harmful nowadays, older crestworths may be worse and ive lost count how many ive emptyed out and sniffed up over the years when refilling and im pretty healthy :-) 

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