Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hey everyone I'm new to this website but I would like to inform everyone I am looking for a Blue Lava/Blue Liquid Mathmos Astro Lava Lamp OR a Red Lava/Blue Liquid but the double blue is my favorite. I've never owned a Mathmos before but have recently learned how incredible they are in terms of quality so if anyone is willing to sell please let me know.

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Where did you get it??

Metallica man said:

Yes I have me a smart astro on its way soon!
I emailed Mathmos too, but I haven't heard anything back yet. I sent it a day or two before the last lamp they posted on their US site became available. Maybe they thought that would answer my question? I really don't have a favorite color combo. That's the rockin part about being a newbie! I'd love to have ANY Mathmos lamp. But alas, on Ebay, shipping to the US is almost as much as the actual lamp. Sometimes more. I'll get one eventually...
Mathmos replied to me, the Blue/Blue is officially discontinued and has been for quite some time now. My only hope is to find someone on here who has a Mathmos B/B and convince them to sell it. I have heard rumors the Red lava/Blue Liquid Astro is making a comeback as well.
Shipping can be costly, until the Mathmos US site gets the Astro version it'll obviously be cheaper.
This is what it says for shipping....
"We offer free shipping on all orders over $99 within in the Continental USA.  For orders under $99 we offer flat rate shipping for $7.99. Other methods such as UPS Ground, UPS Overnight, 2nd day, 3rd day, and Express saver are available at checkout and the price is calculated based on weight and distance. Most orders received before 3 PM EST ship the same day."
Very good point, I forgot about the lamp prices. $140 for a Telstar Lamp!! I'm not saying Mathmos isn't worth it but give me a break.
I like your blue/blue by the way, very nice.

As I said before the blue/blue astro as you know has been discontinued - people on hear have them (me being one of them) so mabie somone wants to part with. 

They do come up on ebay but are relitivie rair - you will just have to be paintint.

It is really bad that Mathmos have just pased on there shipping / export costs to the US consumers - allthough I understand the logic it really isent a good way of doing busness. 

There is a few bin blue to red smart Astros on eBay uk right now. I've asked the seller if they will ship over seas. Haven't heard back yet. I'll let u know if they get back to me.

Mathmos have released the blue/red astro bottles now - they were first made for the jubliee lamp but now the bottles are avaiable sepratly from this lamp.

I really want a jubilee lamp. I was hoping they would make a special edition Olympics lamp. It be cool to do graphics on the base, and maybe a smart that changes thru the colors of the olympic rings

They are still selling the jubliee lamp and there are also ones on Ebay - ovesley the only issues for you guys is that they are not selling them from there US websight yet.

I don't know if they are going to release a olympics lamp - we would have heard about it by now.

I'm surprised with a company like Mathmos on how little color selection there is besides the Smart color changing lamp. I wish they had more color combos but I'm guessing they wouldn't sell......??
I love the turquoise! It's beautiful

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