Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hey everyone I'm new to this website but I would like to inform everyone I am looking for a Blue Lava/Blue Liquid Mathmos Astro Lava Lamp OR a Red Lava/Blue Liquid but the double blue is my favorite. I've never owned a Mathmos before but have recently learned how incredible they are in terms of quality so if anyone is willing to sell please let me know.

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There is a blue/blue astro on eBayuk right now. Ull have to see if they will ship over seas but here the link.
Thanks for letting me know I just emailed the seller!!
I begged the seller to ship to Canada Lol
Hey no problem! I saw it got listed today. So I was like I better tell u about since I know u really want one.

I just messaged the seller and he'll ship to Canada but he hasn't updated that status to ebay so I can't bid yet.

Seen this one on Ebay UK - not mine by the way.


Just saw this on ebay uk too, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mathmos-Astro-Blue-blue-Lava-Lamp-Boxed-H... not sure about the condition and if they post international though?

Thanks guys but I actually won one on eBay last week!

Congrats, hopefully it will arive soon and in one peice.

Blue/Blue Brendan said:

Thanks guys but I actually won one on eBay last week!
Thanks Tim!

Congrats, Brendan.  They really are incredible.  I was going to tell you that there's one on ebay right now but I guess you've already found what you're looking for.  Enjoy!

Thanks! Yea a hand full of blue/blue's have popped up on eBay UK in August and I was finally able to win one. This will be my first Mathmos.
Does anyone including yourself know if I can get colored bulbs my any of my lamps???

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