Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello everyone,

I've just joined the group and need advice. I'm working on a project (won't bore you with the details as to why) but ideally I could do with a lave lamp approx 5 feet tall or 1500 mil tall. All the lave lamps I can find today are only a fraction of that. Do lamps of this size exist or am I asking for the impossible, based I assume on the chemistry involved.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Kind regards


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You could get a Lava Colossus. They are four foot tall. They are spendy (about $1,100) and, while I don't have any direct experience, people that have one on this forum say they have issues with leaking caps and the dye leaking into the fluid.

A long time ago they made another four foot tall called the Lava Imperial. These are more stable, but they are near impossible to find.
Ok, thanks very much for your help

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