Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I laughed so hard out loud that the cat jumped when I saw this

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crazy person!

The guy who put this up thinks we are more stupid them him - he is so wrong.

We have a whole thread of these somewhere around here. ;)

Wow........... Just wow. Lol

check out this fools listing...



seriously dude??...fish cant live in there lol.


At LEAST they did do this much... "I PUT A 15 WATT LIGHT BULB IN IT AND DOES NOT GET THE WATER HOT WHEN RUN FOR A LONG TIME." But even then, um...filtration? aeration?

lava luva ~ Tiffany said:

check out this fools listing...



seriously dude??...fish cant live in there lol.


Putting a fish in there is just crule - the sad thing is people have got thies lamps and put fish in there.

I don't get what the seller means by putting a 15w bulb in there to heat the water.

Great idea, if you don't use a heat producing light bulb (LED maybe).  It would make a good Beta tank.

He is trying to say that a 15 watt bulb does not get hot enough to kill the fish, though as you said it is still likely cruel to do so.

ive had betas before...while its true that they are okay in small containers they could never live in something so enclosed. even with the lid off all the time it would not be enough air. betas actually swim to the surface and gulp air...sounds weird but its true. not to mention how cruel it would be squeezing a fish into that tiny hole then back out again for cleaning.

now this on the other hand is pretty freaking awesome...a beta tank that looks like a lava lamp!...has a bubbler inside to ensure plenty of air and color changing leds! i WANT one!!!

Drew said:

Great idea, if you don't use a heat producing light bulb (LED maybe).  It would make a good Beta tank.

He is trying to say that a 15 watt bulb does not get hot enough to kill the fish, though as you said it is still likely cruel to do so.

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