Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So I've been searching the web far and wide for a good and easy formula for glitter lamps, and I came across this. Seems simple enough I'm going to try it this weekend see how it comes out.


Here is a video of it in action.

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I'm intrigued!

lol me too now heres a use for your old shopping bags :)

True! I wonder if this could work with lightweight glitter, too. It seems like the glitter lamp formula shouldn't be that hard. 

It looks very ghost like

Its certainly a use for peace lamps.

wtf.... I dont get emails for this thread when someone replies?! ning is acting up again.....


I like that his instructions are very simple and the ratio is already figured out. And yes very ghost like, I like the look of it and I think adding some LEDs would look sweet.

I wonder if using lighting filters would give the same effect or mabie they will be too heavy as this would give some funky effects

I dont get what your saying Tim?

That's my friend Clive! :)

I mean by using dyed sheets of verry thin plastic which is used to coloure light - they are kinda simmiler to carriar bags
(as this is consirned) so may work but are heaver and denser  (depending on the brand and type).


This is what i mean - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_gel

Dr. WHAT?! said:

I dont get what your saying Tim?

I'm going to try this. And if it works with bags, maybe it'll work with silver mylar, too. Here's hoping!

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