Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello all,

I picked this lamp up for $100 the other day on a whim. I don't know much about it, so I'm asking the experts for some info.

Attached are some pictures.



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That's a model 650, series was called "Confetti." The GemLites were:


Capri (silver only, lava Capris came in brass too)

Continental ("executive" style, oval)

Mystique ("executive" style, square)


After the bigger-globe (Continental, Mystique) models went away, supposedly due to regulations on how much of the freon-based liquid they could legally hold, and the Capri and Mediterranean styles were discontinued, this was the only GemLite made from the early 80s until about 1990, when they added the (now extremely rare) 642, 643 and 700 (black pink/silver, black blue/silver and brass gold/clear).

In short, yes, I think it's worth $100. The pink-and-blue-only stripes say it's early, and the box is the late-70s colors. The bigger bottle "executive" models had pink-blue-yellow, and later Confettis had pink-blue-yellow, and still later pink-blue-yellow-green. Nice score, in the box and everything!!

Thanks so much, Jonas! I appreciate the detailed response. I thought it looked pretty interesting.

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