Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Found oozinggoo.com when I was looking for ways to repair the Grande I picked up at CostCo a few years ago.  It's one of the Chinese made ones that has gone extremely cloudy and ceased to flow (going to try replacing the fluid one of these weekends). 

It was here that I found out about really big Lava lamps.  I was bowled over by videos of the  Colossus lamps and really want to see if I could get one, I couldn't find them available anywhere so I wrote LavaLite.  I wanted to let this group know what I got this from Lava Lite today:

We have a special promo on the Colossus for serious buyers.   This will be the last time the Colossus will be seen.

Please see attached promo sheet with pricing included.

If you are interested please contact on my direct line at 630-496-6663.


Best regards,


Susan Michaels

Customer Service Representative


630-496-6663 direct line



Sadly these prices are outside of my discretionary funds, even though they include shipping.  I post it in hopes that someone here may be interested.


Views: 42530


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Yea right Deb! Lol

Yes, I did, but still playing with the yellow blue.  It makes me think of margaritas in Key West,,,good for the mountains of Colorado this time of year.

SOON tho.

Deb said:

I ordered a clear/black. It ships out on Monday. I believe Jethro got one as well. Anxious to see it in action. :)

Just don't drink it!!!!  XD

Jethro said:

Yes, I did, but still playing with the yellow blue.  It makes me think of margaritas in Key West,,,good for the mountains of Colorado this time of year.

SOON tho.

Deb said:

I ordered a clear/black. It ships out on Monday. I believe Jethro got one as well. Anxious to see it in action. :)


Jim - purple/pink on granite

Kirk - yellow/purple on silver

Kirk - clear/red on silver

Dave p - clear/red on silver

Jethro - clear/black on granite

Gwen - clear/red on silver

Don Souliere - purple/yellow on granite

Critter - purple/yellow on granite

ken mitc - blue/yellow on granite

Loren - blue/yellow on marble

Deb - clear/black on granite

Tim - purple/pink on silver

Louis D. View - purple/yellow on silver

Stephanie - ???

Bridget T - ???

...Did I miss anybody?

2 - purple/pink
3 - clear/red
2 - clear/black
4 - purple/yellow
2 - blue/yellow

6 - granite bases
6 - silver bases
1 - marble base

Mine was statistically the least popular. YAY, go me. :p ...That is, unless the two unknown ones are blue/yellow on marble,

Yea it would be nice to have a collouss, but I don't think I would be able to afford it however I haven't even tried to ask for prices and also its shipping to the UK that could really jack up the price.

Purple / pink is a ok combo but i would go for purple / yellow but at the end of the day its limited so and combo is good - as they say beggars cant be choosers.

Cool that you provided a summary Loren.  :-)

Loren said:


Jim - purple/pink on granite

Kirk - yellow/purple on silver

Kirk - clear/red on silver

Dave p - clear/red on silver

Jethro - clear/black on granite

Gwen - clear/red on silver

Don Souliere - purple/yellow on granite

Critter - purple/yellow on granite

ken mitc - blue/yellow on granite

Loren - blue/yellow on marble

Deb - clear/black on granite

Tim - purple/pink on silver

Louis D. View - purple/yellow on silver

Stephanie - ???

Bridget T - ???

...Did I miss anybody?

2 - purple/pink
3 - clear/red
2 - clear/black
4 - purple/yellow
2 - blue/yellow

6 - granite bases
6 - silver bases
1 - marble base

Mine was statistically the least popular. YAY, go me. :p ...That is, unless the two unknown ones are blue/yellow on marble,

purple/pink and purple/yellow both on silver

Loren said:


Jim - purple/pink on granite

Kirk - yellow/purple on silver

Kirk - clear/red on silver

Dave p - clear/red on silver

Jethro - clear/black on granite

Gwen - clear/red on silver

Don Souliere - purple/yellow on granite

Critter - purple/yellow on granite

ken mitc - blue/yellow on granite

Loren - blue/yellow on marble

Deb - clear/black on granite

Tim - purple/pink on silver

Louis D. View - purple/yellow on silver

Stephanie - ???

Bridget T - ???

...Did I miss anybody?

2 - purple/pink
3 - clear/red
2 - clear/black
4 - purple/yellow
2 - blue/yellow

6 - granite bases
6 - silver bases
1 - marble base

Mine was statistically the least popular. YAY, go me. :p ...That is, unless the two unknown ones are blue/yellow on marble,

purple yellow on silver, sadly. i was very very stupid and didn't get the granite when I could have.... REGRETS

I just figure if I ever grow to hate the silver, I won't feel so bad painting over it.  I have a suspicion mine will eventually be black.

i thought that too, and then realized getting that nice granite finish is practically impossible...
so if anyone knows of a granite base somewhere out there all alone, or is willing to trade silver for granite with some kind of compensation for the difference please let me know. i have posted a thread about this just now

I love the list Idea very cool, I promise to post mine when it is received. There is a hold on the 850 bucks so Its just a matter of time. I am so excited

LOL Deb...cant find a bottle opener large enough.

Deb said:

Just don't drink it!!!!  XD

Jethro said:

Yes, I did, but still playing with the yellow blue.  It makes me think of margaritas in Key West,,,good for the mountains of Colorado this time of year.

SOON tho.

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