Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi Gooheads out there,

I'm searching for a Fluidium Orange with shipping to Germany. If you want to sell one please leave a comment or send a message.


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Check out German Ebay - a boxed Orange Fluidium with orange wax/violet.

Worth every euro!


Hi Simon,

I noticed that auction several days ago, but I can't afford. :(

Why is it that much worth? Because fluid is violet? Because it is boxed?

Do you think it is possible to get a clear/orange non-boxed for about 100€ ?

You could try to offer a lower price?

It will be more expensive because it has an orange-violet bottle (rarer & more desirable?) and it is boxed.

You would be lucky to get an orange fluidium for 100E! And delivery will be cheaper as it is in Germany.

I know the seller is genuine and only has the very best!

Took me forever to find one!!! but they are amazing! now I just need an opal to complete my collection!

Got an e-mail from Mathmos support. The green Fluidium is out of production, only the yellow one is still available. -SHOCK!- Green bottles are also still available. Better hurry up!

Why strange?

Markus said:


I thought these were only available from Mathmos:






Is that right?

If yes, blue/blue must be self-made?

ANY colour is available from Mathmos if you are (or were) prepared to pay the price like I, and many others have done.

ALL of my bottles are genuine Mathmos custom made products.

By the way, they also MASS produced a blue/green bottle to add to your list.

Thanks Kaia1165, I didn't know that Mathmos offers custom made bottles.

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