Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

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Some questions worth asking:

US or UK plug? They note this: 

  • Bulb: 220-250V / 60Hz 30W E14 SES bulb

Also, colors shown in pics are not available (clear/white for example).

I'm leery of LampLust. I had a horrible experience with them/Mathmos

lol ya I would do a board search for lamplust and you'll see how terrible their CS is. Buy at your own risk.

Thanks for the info!   I sure wish Mathmos would get a good distributer set up in the US to sell their whole line of lava.   

Yeah, I called Lamplust in the past with some questions and the guy on the phone couldn't answer any of them except "You'll have to call the UK. We just sell em."

Sure...I'll do that.... wtf?. If anything he could have said, "I don't know but I can find that out for you and contact you back."

Right now I can't even remember what it was I asked him about but it was pretty basic. Not rocket science. ;)

They cant sell the whole line up here, LL has a trade mark on the shape. So they cant sell the Astro's here in the USA
Brent said:

Thanks for the info!   I sure wish Mathmos would get a good distributer set up in the US to sell their whole line of lava.   

I have to disagree. Mathmos flow is much better. More so the Fluidiums. I find it odd that u can trade mark someone else's invention.

Critter said:

Lava Lite, is fortunate for this trademark here too and that it keeps Mathmos at bay.  The Mathmos stuff is pricier but the quality is very, very high.  The flow is different too, not better, but different.  I just picked up a new Mathmos Colorway Astro......stunning.

Metallica man Trevor said:

They cant sell the whole line up here, LL has a trade mark on the shape. So they cant sell the Astro's here in the USA
Brent said:

Thanks for the info!   I sure wish Mathmos would get a good distributer set up in the US to sell their whole line of lava.   

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