Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Anyone see this?


I have messaged them telling them what they are doing is misleading, but their response was "the grande and the 20oz lamp look identical" and "lots of places sell 20oz lamps for $50" to which I cry BULL CRAP.

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Too bad u cant send a pic of a colossus.....this is massive!

Loren said:

NVM, he fixed it. :p

It still says "HUGE" and "massive", but at least the picture is a 20oz lamp now.

Now he's threatening to report me for messaging him via alternate accounts. I told him to go ahead, he'd only look like an even bigger tool.

Yeah he told me the same thing about different accounts. I think he thinks it's 1 person with several accounts lmao

You know what? Good sellers don't have anything to worry about. I think the others doth protest too much.

Oh and LOL! Trev, I should do that.

Obviously, he's not a member here, or is as obutse as he appears to be anyway.....Thanks for the warning, Loren!!!

14 inches may be huge but not on a Lava Lamp...that would be my first clue that this description was wack.  o.O

LOL, Debs!!!!   EEKKKK 

Well it's true...guess maybe to the untrained eye that descript could be misconstrued.
Marley's Ghost said:

LOL, Debs!!!!   EEKKKK 

My eye might be untrained at times, but my mind ain't.........

Deb said:

Well it's true...guess maybe to the untrained eye that descript could be misconstrued.
Marley's Ghost said:

LOL, Debs!!!!   EEKKKK 

LMAO, ahh Miss Mar....such a witty response ♥

Just asked him for an actual picture as I thought the picture posted looks more like a stock photo; bet he doesn't even have one, he just runs to Wal-mart to get one when the auction ends.....

It is sellers like this who provide us with a good laugh every now and them. I sent him a message as well so we will see what happens. I just gave him some advice as why he should stay away from hiring chinese labor to create his listings. But his feedback is rough and has occasional negatives and the Huge! is off.......by a ton.

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