Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Lava Lite's New Website & The NEW Heritage Collection


The new Heritage Collection will be available to buy 10/28

**Updated the Heritage Collection will be released today on LavaLite Website at 10am CST. Heres a sneak peak!

*** http://lavalamp.com/heritage-collection ***

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Okay, thats it!! Im doing it too! What size of coil did you drop? I was thinking of using a regular 52oz size would be ok? The lamp is cold now so Im gonna have to wait til later tonight to add the coil, ill report back with the results. Im doing this on a V2 with the wax level just barely at the rim (see pic) Loren seems to have a V2.5 (or a modified V2??) that has the same amount of wax as the V1 but a single coil and the bulb closer to the globe. Like Libby says, maybe theyre reading and decided to raise the wax levels again.

lalalava said:

Rod, yeah I just dropped in a coil while it was hot. it flows like a dream now!

This is the wax level on my V2 when totally cold


We dare to repair. :-p

My green grande was running so well, I broke down and ordered a pink one. :-/ But you know how mine had flipped this last run? Well now...24 hours later...the thing still isn't all the way flowing. It looks like it has a rubbery skin over all of the wax, and it folds onto itself, rather than blobbing up like it should when it's in full flow. The blobs actually still have little pigtails! I DEFINITELY will be trying to avoid the wax flipping when I fire it up next time.

Loren, wrap a thick towel around it all the way around the base and leave about a couple of inches at the top so you can watch it.  When it starts flowing good, take the towel off.    They are cold blooded and will try to re-spike when the temp drops for any reason.   Actually, they just freeze up into a spike or spikes.  Lib


Loren said:

We dare to repair. :-p

My green grande was running so well, I broke down and ordered a pink one. :-/ But you know how mine had flipped this last run? Well now...24 hours later...the thing still isn't all the way flowing. It looks like it has a rubbery skin over all of the wax, and it folds onto itself, rather than blobbing up like it should when it's in full flow. The blobs actually still have little pigtails! I DEFINITELY will be trying to avoid the wax flipping when I fire it up next time.

Loren, check that the coil settled back to the bottom where it's supposed to be after it flipped, that happened to my v2 and it took extra long to warm up because the single coil was halfway up the side of the globe

Only my Green sometimes gets the smaller coil overlapping the larger when it melts after flipping.   I can tell by the weird one-sided flow when it does that.  The Pink has never done it, but I won't hold my breath.

Well, it did get colder up here...I guess that was what happened. Man...these grandes run great, but are very temperamental! I'm going to try and turn the heat up a little, and if that doesn't work, I'm going to move the lamp downstairs where it's warmer. If THAT doesn't work, then I'm going to try the towel trick. I'm just afraid I'll blow the thing up, knowing me. :p

Marley's Ghost said:

Loren, wrap a thick towel around it all the way around the base and leave about a couple of inches at the top so you can watch it.  When it starts flowing good, take the towel off.    They are cold blooded and will try to re-spike when the temp drops for any reason.   Actually, they just freeze up into a spike or spikes.  Lib

LOL, Loren, I've tried every trick in the book with the temp sensitivity of these V1's.  If I haven't blown mine up yet, you won't!
Loren said:

Well, it did get colder up here...I guess that was what happened. Man...these grandes run great, but are very temperamental! I'm going to try and turn the heat up a little, and if that doesn't work, I'm going to move the lamp downstairs where it's warmer. If THAT doesn't work, then I'm going to try the towel trick. I'm just afraid I'll blow the thing up, knowing me. :p

Marley's Ghost said:

Loren, wrap a thick towel around it all the way around the base and leave about a couple of inches at the top so you can watch it.  When it starts flowing good, take the towel off.    They are cold blooded and will try to re-spike when the temp drops for any reason.   Actually, they just freeze up into a spike or spikes.  Lib

Well my V2 green is dissapointing me now. It was great the first few runs and now I am having issues with it. It would go into a column and finally break off and shoot small blobs until the big blob rejoined the coil then right back to column very repetative but still interesting. Well the last 3 times i have ran it when it goes into a column it pumps enough wax up that it is half way disconecting from the coil with no signs that it is overheating befor it does it. I dim it down and twist the globe it will reconect to the coil. If i leave it dimed down it shoots ping pong ball sized blobs untill i turn it back up. It will flow great for about 30 min then it disconects agin. Itdid that 3 times last night while running with the dimmer all over the place trying to get the flow right. I think the bulb being up so far is putting to much direct heat on the bottom of the globe. I noticed that there was a spot of wax about the size of a penny stuck to the bottom middle of the globe when it disconected one of the times. Im confused it was running great and i didnt have to mess with the dimmer befor.

Well that is something new. I dont think anyone has experienced coil disconnection on these lamps but i could be wrong.

I've got a USA 52oz century (bought used on ebay) that for some reason does this about every 10 runs or so.  Doesn't seem to be any reason why...ambient temps are pretty much the same, but it'll just disconnect and the flow will be terrible to non-existent until I pull it off and twirl it.  Then it runs fine again for the remainder of that cycle, as well as several afterwards.  In the past 2 weeks its done this 3 times...very strange.

I am now totally disappointed in my green grande, and no longer even excited about getting the pink one. :(

Ever since the wax flipped, the thing hasn't run right. There's a gap on the coil, and I can't seem to close it. All I get are ping pong balls all day, every day. :( I knew it...as soon as I saw the flipped wax...I knew I was going to get a gap in the coil, and sure enough.

The flow was truly amazing before that. Not even the colossus could compare. But I only got 2 good runs!

How many people have V2 and  no longer have that 'wonderful' flow ?

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