Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all.

I search some informations about the history of the Lamp and I don't find clear ones. Maybe someone can help me here.

I have a question about the owner of Lava-Simplex International. I've read on this site (1) that "For unknown reasons, Lava Mfg. Corp. became Lava-Simplex Inc." But, in some other sites, like this one (2), that Wertheimer and Spector sold their buisness in 70's.

So where is the truth ? Wertheimer and Spector were still owner of the compagny when Haggerty bought it ?

Thx for your reply and for this amazing site !

(1) http://www.oozinggoo.com/themyth.html
(2) http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/lavalamp.htm

(My english is maybe bad, sorry, I'm french)

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Thx a lot for your information. It's more clear now.

I didn't know for the last event........
By any chance, can you say me if my dates are right ?

73 : Spector and Wertheimer sold to Simplex
86 : Simplex sold to Haggerty
Cool, I knew someone would know the answer. Well done Trev!

I'm more a Crestworth historian (of sorts)

It's realy strange. There is a lot of page with 76.... more than 86. A lot of contrdictory informations, even in serious site, for exemple :

Chicago Tribune :
"in 1976, a Chicago novelties entrepreneur, the late Lawrence Haggerty, acquired the rights"

Financial Time :
"Larry Haggerty, a Chicago businessman, bought the company in 1986."

... Larry, Lawrence ?

There is some other points not clear for me, despite lot of hours spended on research. So i'll come back with other questions later. It seems that i'm in the good place !
That could be usefull too ^^
Thx lot for your help, even if I know yet these realy interesting pages.

Unfortunately she don't say clearly the name of the compagny when his dad sold it, just LAVA (I supose LAVA Manufacturing but why not renamed LAVA Simplex ?). And she don't say who bought it, Simplex or Haggerty ?

My 2 possibilities :
73 Lava Manufacturing renamed in Lava-Simplex, still Spector as CEO
76 Lava-Simplex sold to Haggerty

73 Lava Manufacturing sold to Lava-Simplex, new CEO
86 Lava-Simplex sold to Haggerty

One thing is sure. In the mid'-70's, Spector sold his compagny.

I believe on the second theory, like DjTrevork. But I don't have sure information. Cause it look strange for me that I just see poor information about the Simplex period, and no associate names, like CEO for exemple.

If someone can confirm with 100% of certitude that Lava-Simplex made lamp in 80's, the second theory win. Cause in this way, i'm sure that Spector is not CEO anymore according with the text of his daughter.

So if u have followed what I said in my bad english, plz help me !
Yes, thx, I saw the wiki, but it say too that "Walker presented lamp at a Brussels trade show in 1965", that "Lava Corporation's name was changed to Lava-Simplex Inc" or that "In 1986, Hy Spector sold Lava Simplex International". So i'm a bit sceptic about this page.

Can u confirm to me that Lava-Simplex made lamp in 80's ? It's maybe the key like I say on the message below. I would be realy happy about. And more happy if u can show me some proof. I believe you, but I must be absolutely sure about.
Very interesting, I thought that Haggerty changed more quickly the name for LavaWorld. Just pity that there is no date on the box on the picture one. A date after mid'-70's would prove definitly for me that existed a Lava-Simplex period between Spector and Haggerty. (I'm quite sure, but a lot internet pages talk about renaming or talk about Spector selling Lava-Simplex to Haggerty)

However, it's no very credible that the box one was used in 89 if it date of a period before mid'-70's ! when Spector was still CEO of his company that would be renamed Lava-Simplex. So a compagny had to exist between Spector and Haggerty to explain this box (too young for Spector's period and no mention of Haggerty.)

I don't know if someone follow what I say, but for me, it's more clear now ^^ Thx a lot Trevrok !
Damn ! I'm again lost lol. It's amazing how each internet page tell a diffrent story....

I'm going to think about that calmly and i'll come back later.
For that all isn't clear for me. In the pic one, Lava-Simplex is yet sold to haggety. There no mention about Haggerty, but Keystone is the place where Haggerty enterprises are.

I find other box with Lava-Simplex not in Keystone, but Irving, who seems the place where Lava Mfg Corp. was.

So why not Lava-Mfg Corp changed name to Lava-Simplex, before sell to Haggerty in 1976 in this theory, Haggerty using just Lava-Simplex name untill they create LavaWold division ?
Yes, I've read it yet.... But why believe more that than, for exemple, these articles :

http://www.oozinggoo.com/themyth.html (form The Lava Lamp Syndicate)

? It's that my problem..... I don't understand why there is so much version, why no one is agree each other.
Yes, I must make my own opinion about. Thanks for the time that u took to talk with me.

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