Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I am trying to find out as much info as I can on this lamp!!!!

I might even be willing to sell it.

Thank before hand for any help. I snapped this with my phone will take and post more pics when I find my camera. LOL 

I know my Mother has had this for years and is now moving and I get to go thru 50 yrs of stuff.

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Some love this lamp, some hate it.  Its called a Glitter Graphic.  This particular design is so hideous and corny that its charming.  It appears that Fantasia produced upwards of eleven distinct designs for the Glitter Graphic line, with some nuances on particular models.  Example being the Rolls Royce Glitter Graphic; mine has an American flag on the grill (http://oozinggoo.ning.com/photo/fantasia-glitter-graphic-rolls-royce). but I have also seen the message "Poverty Sucks" in place of the flag on a sub-variety.

The lamps are beyond cool in my opinion.  The light box contains a glitter globe on the inside which is backed by a curved reflective material (to kick the glitter effect out towards the graphic).  As the lamp heats up and the glitter starts flowing the graphic on the face of the box takes on a shimmering, sparkling effect.  A very unique lamp.

Here is a site with more details on the Fantasia lamps, including the Glitter Graphics.  http://www.imovatedesign.co.uk/fantasia/glitter.html

Awesome thanks for the info

Any chance that someone knows the name of the liquid in the glass cylinder that contains the glitter in my Fantasia Rainbow Glitter Lighhtbox? Also where can I find more of it? The mystery liquid has somehow leaked out or evaporated (not likely) and I need replacement of same....or where I can buy a replacement cylinder? I read somewhere that it might be ethylene glycol and/or propylene glycol. Also could I add distilled H20 without ruining the effect? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Please reply to my e-mail leekatj31@yahoo.com or message me on FB. Thanks so much. Sincerely, Kathleen Lee -White

Fantasia glitter formula is not made anymore.

It is pretty toxic and hazardous.

The only place to get it now is from other Fantasia glitter lamps that can be sometimes found on Ebay  -


Kirk makes a clear fast moving large holographic glitter formula that looks and flows similar to Fantasia glitter.

I would recommend buying some of it from him to refill your Fantasia glitter graphic lamp.

I would not recommend adding water to it because it will probably ruin it.


Kathleen - what James (MieHigh) said.  

I just refurbished my Rolls Royce Glitter Graphics lamp.  They are a bit difficult to get into.  

I replaced the large, holographic glitter in my Rolls with a dust-like multicolor glitter that really pops in the lamp now.  The glitter liquid that I sell is solvent-based and non-flammable/non-combustible.  It's similar to what was made in the 70s, 80s, and 90s.

In my opinion, these are some of the most innovative glitter lamps ever made and very deserving of being preserved!

Please let me know if I can help you in any way.

I have experience with Kirk's glitter. It's first-rate stuff. These Glitter Graphics are wonderful lamps, I have the Rolls-Royce and would someday love to find the Rainbow or the Unicorn & Rainbow.


Does your lamps glitter flow crazy as it should until you turn it off or does to slow to a crawl almost stopping after an hour or so on?

I've seen those sites but they say they no longer produce any of these products. I'm still looking...ya never know what might turn up. Want another Fantasia Glitter box. Any info is very much appreciated.

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