Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I've always been fascinated with lava lamps, but only bought my first very recently from an online vender. Unfortunately, when it arrived, the clear fluid was not very clear...in fact, I would term it murky.

The vender has agreed to send me a replacement globe, but refused to send one like I ordered, because he said that it was too touchy and would likely arrive in the same condition as the one that I have, so I requested the red/clear globe, but am still waiting on it.

Since I will have both globes, I got to wondering about replacing the clear fluid, which is what brought me here. I have quickly scanned the page about making a lamp from scratch, but that didn't seem to answer the question of just fixing what I have. The question is whether the clear fluid of Lava brand lamps are all the same, and if so, exactly what is it...water, alcohol, mineral oil or?

The bubbles in the globs is less of a problem, but if there is an easy solution, I would like to hear it.

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You got the part about which lamp that I have right, but I'm not certain that I follow your suggestions after that. If I don't use the globe that I have, then how would buying another color of globe end up giving me a black/clear globe?

I just did an online check, and they do have a lamp like mine, but with a silver base instead of black chrome. I don't know yet if they have it locally or not, but if not, then there would be no way of seeing it prior to purchase. What is the brand of lamps at Spencers...or are they the same brand, but just made elsewhere?
I suspected that the problem was due to the quality of the lamps, but the vender claimed that the problem was strictly due to mishandling by the carrier. He claims that they inspect every lamp prior to shipment, thus the condition would have to happen in the few days that FedEx had it. But, from what you have said, this must just be a bunch of flack.

I have now had the lamp running around the clock for ~ 3 weeks and haven't seen any improvement yet. How certain are you that I ever will? I posted this in hopes of finding a cheap and easy solution, because I'm quite tight, and don't like the idea of having to buy another lamp, especially since I'm now past the return period with the old lamp. I think that was the purpose of his statements from the beginning.

I particularly like the black/clear lamps...if I could get a good one.
I got a replacement globe from the dealer. At first, I didn't think that I would like it much, because the wax is red instead of black, but that changed quickly when seeing the way that it glows red against with wall, with a couple of horns of shimmering white light and shadows mingled in...a great night light.

I still have the black wax globe and don't see thowing it away. Since I suspect that the wax has already finished leaking the white dye, all that it would need is fresh clear liquid to be as it should have been at the first. I'm not one much for experimenting though, so I'm wondering if anyone knows what formula would be cheapest and work best?

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