Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all. I bought this cheap a while back. Anyone have one and know how to get to the bulb for the lava lamp to replace it?

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Carefully lift up on the top of the arm that is sitting on the top cap (that's holding up the torchiere part) and remove the cap. Then you will have just enough clearance to pull the globe out at an angle to get to the bulb.  It sounds/looks a lot harder than it actually is.  The globe can get stuck a bit too, if that happens try to carefully twist it as you are pulling up at an angle on it.

It takes a 40 watt "golf ball" style bulb, intermediate base I think but its been so long since I've had to replace mine that I forget if its an intermediate base or regular size base.

Cool! Thanks. I'll let you know how it goes when I get around to messing with it.

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