I took advantage of Spencer's 30% deal on Cyber Monday and ordered me some centurys. The blue/white century came with a dented base. The red/yellow also came with a smaller dent. What is the best way to handle this? Ship them back or bring them to the the spencer's store in the mall? I am not sure if the Spencer store in the mall carries the heritage centurys to do an exchange.
Views: 217
That really suckeths, Matt. I'd call your local Spencer's and see if the have them and are willing or able to do an exchange. If Spencer's online has a contact phone number you might also try calling them and see if they'll ship you replacements if your local store can't or won't help you. I don't think you should have to ship those dented ones back on your dime either. They should just replace them.
I believe The only Heritage lamps Spencer's carried in-store were the black Wizards with purple/yellow globes. Everything else was online only. That being said, I would still call and see what they advise. You might have to ship them back to get replacements. Those silver century bases unfortunately are very thin and bend/dent easily. The gold, I found seemed to have an extra clear coat of some sort over the finish, making it seem thicker.
I ended up returning them today. My local Spencer's did not have any of the heritage lamps in stock. :/
Matt, if you have any nearby... the discount store Tuesday Morning has all but the black Wizard Heritage lamps for $14.99 each. You could save some serious money and get the chance to pick them out in person. I got a red wizard and inspected it before buying.
If you end up stuck with them, get a spoon and press the dent back out from the inside with the smooth curved side of said spoon. I have popped dents out of many lamp bases this way. You can pop the dents peak out first by flat pressing it outward and then rub the spoon over the area the dent occupied, with a little pressure, and it should flatten back out to a nice uniform surface, matching the rest of the base. Wooden spoon works great for repairs requiring visible surface-side touch up as it won't mar or scratch the metal. Metal spoon works great for dents that can be popped outward in which you won't see the surface of the scuffed metal.
EDIT: Failed to read you had already returned them, HA! Keep this trick on hand for the next one you come across.
I did exactly that. My Tuesday Morning store had them buried up front. The lady said they sold out of the Red/Yellow's yesterday. She had 4 blue whites and some wizards. I just bought the two blue/whites. Crystal clear globes, dent free bases. Thanks again for this tip.
Glad to hear! They really are some of the best china lamps I have ever seen come out of Lava Lite. I have a gold red/yellow too and it flows really well for china. The wizard, I mainly purchased for my red glitter globe, but all the same. Now if only I could find some heritage Grandes at a brick and mortar store. :)
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