Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

... as per question, I tried to filter my blue-white century with the cotton, but only resulted in a loss of the master fluid: can I had some ordinary water to it?

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'baby is correct comma but...you can add a small amount of distilled water and the flow will still go but if you add too much the lava won't flow.

I added about 1/3 cup of distilled water to a Grande and though it changed the flow the change was miniscule and acceptable.
I added a cup of distilled water and ruined the flow.
I have added a bit of pure salt and a drop of detergent for surificant to no avail.
I ruined it and had to pour out and re-fill completely.

So.... take care adding distilled water. A little is ok, a little more may ruin the lamp.

You're LL very kind.
Bohdan.. wgat you mean: they have to be of the kind with the cap screwed directly on the bottle?

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