Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I wish I could purchase it!

It will be very interesting to see how much this super rare/awesome lamp sells for.


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I would love to make a bid on this but way out of my price range, this will certainly be a £3000 and over when the refilling is taken into account. 

 I do wonder who would buy it hopefully someone on hear or if the seller has just priced it way out of anyone's range and will have to knock it down to the £800 price range that would be a real bidding war. 

Looks to be in good shape....legs have been cut down though.  This is the third or fourth I've seen with chopped up legs.  Or perhaps it's just an illusion of the pic angle....if they're cut this one only has slight cutting.

It will probably bring the L3000 or more that Tim suggests.

It's now official though that there are more known Crestworth Rocket's (it's real name) in existence than known Lava Lite Imperials.  


i thought the same critter about the legs but i think its a illusion, they keep appearing i can recall at least 9 of these about since 2002 heard years ago that only 10 were made but thats just hersay, im inclined to say there were more, so what is rarier, this or the mistrolite??? i know of 3 mistrolites so far

This was snapped up for £2,500 at auction end.
Not too surprised it was brought - eather by a collector or is going to be refurbished and put back on eBay
How do we know that there are more crestworth rockets then imperials out there, do you think there may be one or two going on to eBay
Yea the 3000 quid was a very rough aproxamation - if it were me I would send the globe to Mathmos for custom filling so that would be pricey but the only option really.

It would probably be safer/less expensive to drive the globe to Mathmos Headquarters yourself than risk shipping it there.

Or better yet, I think you could probably pay Mathmos to come to your house in England and fill it like they do with their custom Monster lamps.

I always thought this lamp was called a Princess as Crestworth made smaller lamps that they named Rockets


Hey Tim,

I know of eight Imperial Lamps and their current owners or former owners. I know of nine Princess (Rocket) Lamps and their owners and or location. So unless someone else knows of a different (higher number), right now it is known (through this forum) that there is one more (discovered) Princess than Imperial. I have helped advise several Imperial owners during restoration and have assisted a couple of the Princess owners directly too. I have communicated directly with every current Princess owner except for two.....one being Mathmos.

I can tell you that two of the Imperials are glitter filled the rest lava. Of the Imperials I can tell you that two for sure are original fill (one wax and one glitter) and there may be one more of the lava filled Imperials that is fully original fill but I have not verified that with the owner....he does not respond to emails. I can tell you for certain that two Imperials do not have original globes. Of the Princess lamps I can tell you that one has had its globe broken and replaced, one had an original tube stand and not the wood stand. Two Princess lamps had stands with cut off legs....one of those for sure has had the stand restored.

I could tell you the name of every Princess owner except one, but I won't because in the case of one collector i have been sworn to secrecy as the collector is VERY private. I also think some of the other owners I have talked with would prefer privacy too, though they have not said that specifically. I have been in contact with all known Princess owners except for one....that lamp sold via ebay a year or two ago. About half of the owners I contacted directly via the forum and some of them contacted me through the forum asking for advice on restoration.

Are there higher numbers of these lamps still in existance? I hope so, but I assure you I know of this many of each.

Oh, and refilling directly at Mathmos yep too pricey and not possible as the Mathmos Monster wax they would use will not ship in globe and survive. It would need to be filled right where it would be displayed as that wax always stays a thin liquid. Johnny (Princess owning forum member) will verify this as he had quite the adventure with Monster wax.

Milehigh....actually the Crestworth Princess was a three legged 52oz Astro based lamp that is extremely rare. I think the floor standing 'Princess" may have begun being called such in confusion with the smaller three legged lamp.....though I cannot say that for certain. I do know for sure that the 52 oz Princess existed and if you search the web you will find pics and info about it, it is a beauty.

Awesome lamps for sure.

It appears that the "real" Princess has some similarities with the Giant custom Rocket.

Both have copper looking caps/bases and both are supported by a three legged structure.

NOTE:  I found this image on this super informative website -  www.hippielight.com

Yep...that's it. A stunner eh?

i Can only count 9-10  crestworth princess going back over the years since 2002 provided none of em have been re-sold apart from what i know have then i can count 10 of them, as for the refill yep it can be done at home and takes ages as its a slow process due to both wax and masterfluid is liquid, not sure if mathmos still do it ( the refill ) mine clouded within weeks so it went back to glitter refill. i noticed mathmos dont have the monster on there site now either, but the refill cost over £400.00 they will do a solid version but it take about 5 hours to get going hence why ive not refilled it again

Oh no Johnny I am so sorry to hear that the monster wax was so short lived. You paid good money for it and had a hard time getting good product from Mathmos. I would do the solid fill. I have been so happy with mine, it does take about 3.5 hours for mine to flow but once flowing it runs for days without issue. I only shut it off when I choose to never because it has over heated, etc.

400 pounds for a refill that only stays clear for several weeks is crazy!

I sure hope that Mathmos gave you the glitter refill for free!

Would it not be possible to refill it yourself using several brand new Lunar bottles that only cost 69 pounds each?

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