Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I saw this pic on lava lamps facebook page.  What is that second from the right?  I don't know!

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Interesting, it is like a tortoise meets cheetah!

I saw this post and wondered the same thing. Never seen one like that before.

I think I accidently have that one,

I have a safari that does look like any of the others and thought it was just a different paint tint but the pattern is different too

These original safaris were all hand painted so there isn't one that is identical to the other. It kind of looks like a sloppy snakeskin version but who knows really. Its cool though.

I have no idea, but it's cool! These are pretty rare all-around; in years of looking, I've found one zebra and no tortoiseshell (the one I'm after).

I'll bet Dr. WHAT?! is right-- it might very well be similar to the "chocolate" lava, a factory oddball.

Whose lamps are these? They're very nice!

They were posted on Lava Lamps facebook page.  I don't know who owns them.

Kelly said:

Whose lamps are these? They're very nice!

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