Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


I recall seeing a month or so ago a thread that someone has posted what is generally accepted as the correct amount of fluid / surf to use i your goo kit for the specific bottle sizes.

For the world of me I can't find it again, anyone have any ideas of which post it might have been?


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Forget it, just found it, if anyone feels these numbers need to be adjusted, please let me know

Average Surfactant amount according to globe size are as follows. If your unsure of what size globe you have please check out the section on Globe Sizes.

  • 8 oz. - Don't waste your time lol
  • 20oz. - 4-5 ml
  • 32oz. - 8-10ml
  • 52oz. - 15-17ml
  • 250 oz. - 55-60ml
  • Other globes other then lava lite globes you'll have to figure out what the fluid amount is in quarts. Then from there you can decide how much surf to use.

** The more surfactant you use, the more round blobs will be produced.

** The less surfactant you use, the long stretchy type of blob you'll get.

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