Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


I found this lamp for $2.00 at a thrift store! However, there wasn't a base. Is there anyone here I can buy a base from? I don't need anything special, though it would be nice to get it before Christmas. (Though getting it at all is what's important.) I searched online for one, but couldn't find a base online.


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it is a grande

I have a few extra but they all have dents in them

Claude J said:

it is a grande

I have a few extra but they all have dents in them

That will work! How much would you charge?

And, if you don't already know, you can use the PayPal shipping link to get a shipping discount.

$25 w/cap + $5 Shipping

Accept friend request so we can exchange info

Claude J said:

it is a grande

I have a few extra but they all have dents in them

I don't mind dented! If anything it could be used in the future as plans to make a new one from wood.

Oh, I thought I lost the earlier! One sec and I'll do that.



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