Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello to all the Mathmos fans, I wanted to share what I received today. 2 Mathmos Fluidium never opened since their launch in 2000.

I was shivering while opening the parcel, bubble wrap and then ..... The different pieces of the Fluidium

You can imagine that feeling right ?

It's not like opening a collector one alreaday used before, It was never opened, never used before me ... 19 years after they come alive.

I decided to open only one today, the OPAL one.

The wax is still cold but I am waiting, I did not know the bulb was blue either.

After so many years of watching the Fluidiums on the net and now open a brand new one is just a strange feeling going through my body, My heart is beating louder and my hands are still shivering.

Maybe I am crazy to feel that feeling don't you think ?

I wanted to share that unboxing with you :)

Hope you will love it as much as I do.

Thank you


Sam from France

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it says Sorry, files need to be under MB, and they are

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Hloy god! Nice score!! I’m probably the biggest Fluidium fan ever lol.. if you ever decide to sell one please let me know! Also the originals came with color boosting bulbs.. rare now. I highly recommend using a reflector bulb.. protects the base from getting burnt by the bulb,  I use 30watt reflectors in all the ones I have.  Also if you have trouble with the coil just use a magnet the get it back Into place. 

Nice find, I have two ross lovegrove fluidiums one orange the other yellow.

Both in there original boxes, the opal is the one I would love to have.

Thank you my friends,

Now the Lava is moving .... wonderful, but the liquid is cloudy :(

what should I do ?

A question : If one day I would like to sell the OPAL one , how much will it cost ? I will keep it but just to know


Hello Marcel,

The coil went to his place , with nothing to do. But the liquid is not very clear , maybe because it is first use after 19 years stay in a box what do you think ?

Marcel said:

Very cool, I hope the coil will get in place itself, its very difficult to get it back to its place once it moved.
Before you try to fix this, please let us know so we can help you with this.

And one question: I dont see the glass tube arround the bulb? If you use the drop bulb like the original blue one,
you should use the original glass pipe arround the bulb to protect the base from the heat.

If you do not have one, you can buy them here:

Holy crap! I'm trembling with excitement everytime a Mathmos lamp shows up at my door (I live in the US). If an unused Opal Fluidium showed up and I would fall over dead. I want an Opal Fluidium soo bad. I've had opportunities to have other colors but noting seems to compare to the Opal. The blue bulb gives it a killer touch. Basically I'm insanely jealous.... Killer find!

It could clear up running it. I also sent you a friend request with the dollar amount I would ask if selling mine. 

You and I are in the same boat lol! I’ve spent so much shipping these lamps to me

ash-hole! said:

Holy crap! I'm trembling with excitement everytime a Mathmos lamp shows up at my door (I live in the US). If an unused Opal Fluidium showed up and I would fall over dead. I want an Opal Fluidium soo bad. I've had opportunities to have other colors but noting seems to compare to the Opal. The blue bulb gives it a killer touch. Basically I'm insanely jealous.... Killer find!

I dont want to rain on your parade but i dont think it was "new" as all mathmos bottles came in a clear plastic bag and taped closed near the bottle top, never had one wrapped in bubble wrap, also the wax looked like it had been heated up and cooled before full operation. now possible the seller wrapped the bottle for transport but if new new then it should have had a plastic bag, as for the cloudyness / looks like its been used then only other possibility is during shipment it was in a hot place and the wax started to melt and clouding it

to me / my opinion and not trying to offend / upset im not convinced its new aka never been used

Thanks a lot :)

I received my parcel 3 days ago and did not want to open it !

Can you believe it they were still in thei box since 2000

The next box I have to open is the Green One

I know your feelings, I was shivering all my body while open it

And I had a good very very good price for both

My dream comes true

ash-hole! said:

Holy crap! I'm trembling with excitement everytime a Mathmos lamp shows up at my door (I live in the US). If an unused Opal Fluidium showed up and I would fall over dead. I want an Opal Fluidium soo bad. I've had opportunities to have other colors but noting seems to compare to the Opal. The blue bulb gives it a killer touch. Basically I'm insanely jealous.... Killer find!

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